Day 5 Clean

Hello everyone I hope your all well ! Today is Day 5 for me and through all the rollercoaster of emotions I’ve been feeling I can say that two are being proud of myself and shocked that I made it this far I can only hope to keep on going. I started to take up a few hobbies like biking and I love the cloud watching thread very relaxing


Your doing great, one day at a time. Well done :+1:


@Dolse71 Thank you so much and yes one day at a time ! :fist:


5 days, congratations that will be me tomorrow. Well done for finding new hobbies and interests. I’ve done the same. Looking after myself is a priority now both physically and mentally. I’m embracing it and doing it with a smile on my face because I know I can do this.


@Leveller Thank you so much and Yes ! Im so happy for you and I’m glad your making taking care of yourself a priority I know that’s one of the things I neglected while in my addiction. Now it’s time we choose us ! :innocent:

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well done keep us posted on your recovery wish you well


Keep up the good work. The first few weeks are the toughest. Pretty soon you will have started some new habits that will become your new normal. Make them good habits, and fun habits!

I’m almost 9 months sober and I love my early mornings, my swimming and biking workouts and how much better I feel all day with healthier brain chemistry. No hangovers, very little anxiety, and steady energy all day is so great.

Keep going, it will get easier.


@Ray_M_C_Laren Thank you so much and I’m gonna be checking in everyday with you guys ! :grinning:

@LAB Congratulations on 9 months sober ! :grinning: i can’t imagine how rewarding that must feel. And I think the best part about recovery is discovering new hobbies and old interest it’s like discovering things about yourself all over again !

Congratulations. I’m on day 5 too. Second time lucky for me (hopefully)! Today has been tough… but running seemed to help.


That is awesome!!! Keep up the good work!!

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@James6 Second times a charm ! We got this ! and today was rough for me too and I use to be a runner it helps a lot I’m glad you used that as an alternative and plus there is nothing like that runners high :laughing:


@Jason1976 Thank you so much for your kindness and day by day is what I always say :fist: :innocent:

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Great accomplishment! You got this. Love to hear your picking up new hobbies. Changing the routine and every day habits is key.

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I love clouds also. Well done on 5 days! It’s not easy, I’m a few hours from 5 days also. Keep up the good work!


@Lovelyoutlook Thank you so much :grin: ! And I couldn’t agree more if I didn’t make the effort to pick up new hobbies and make small changes I would have relapsed again

@Mali Thank you so much ! And I’m so proud of you for getting this far Day 5 for me was a little rough but I’m glad I just didn’t resort back to unhealthy coping mechanisms I’m wishing you and everybody well on this journey to recovery ! :innocent:

You’ve got this!!!
ODAAT :pray:t3:

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I’m on day 5 today! Woo hoo! Go us!! I’ve been here couple tries before, but I’m really trying to stay positive about this time. I hope you’re feeling good and enjoying hangover free mornings too!

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@MaryL1 Congratulations on day 5 :partying_face::partying_face::tada: and what’s most important is that you keep trying failure is only giving up ! And I’m doing well I hope you are too