Day 5. Just checking in

Just checking in. I plan on posting every day until I feel I have mastered this addiction. I’m feeling good. Today and tomorrow I’m a little nervous about. First weekend without alcohol. My husband still drinks so I’m pretty sure it will be around my house. I’ll keep checking in to keep strong. Hope everyone is having a great weekend! :grinning:

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Day 5 for me as well and my husband also didn’t quit so we’ll see how that goes. It’s also my first Saturday in years to be up this early and not hangover, feels good right! Good luck, you’re doing great :slight_smile:

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Yes it does @Star !! You’re doing great as well. Isn’t this app amazing? It’s so helpful to have so much support from other people that are going through the same thing. Keep strong and hope to hear more posts from you :grinning:

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I know right, I’m so greatful this app is here. A big support group whenever you need it, that’s just awesome.
I’m doing all kinds of diy projects and home improvement this weekend for staying busy (and because I can since I have so much more energy!) I hope you have a great weekend! :blush::rainbow:

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