Day 6 .... failed

So for the past day i had some struggles with my recovery but i could resist them for a while but today i couldn´t. I am happy i got to day 6 before giving in.

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First weeks are the hardest.
What can you add in your recovery to let it work this time? Have you tried AA ore online meetings before? What have you done so far desided you want to quit?
I know a relapse sucks and that feels like a fallure. But you will keep doing so if you do not put all kind of work and support systems into it.
Have you read this thread for example?What's YOUR plan? Please do, it will be an eyeopener if you haven’t.
You can do it, I believe we all can. But we have to put in lot’s of work. Try many ways before one works and will be a part of your new sober life.

You did 6, so you can do more :sweat_smile: And with a good solid sober plan, who knows how long your sober stretch will be? :facepunch:


Hopefully you have learned something and can recommit to sobriety.

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I know the feeling of failure on this sober journey very well! There was a time not that long ago when I couldn’t string more than two days together. So there is hope, you can do this, but not until you figure out for yourself what adjustments you need to make in your sober plan. For me, TS made a difference. I was doing all the other stuff , reading quit lit, listening to podcasts, meditating, but I was missing community. So I spent LOTS of time here, getting advice, getting encouragement, getting inspired, and being accountable on the daily check in thread.
Sending you love and support!:heart: