Day 7, mad craves... help!

Real mad craves for them beers today… nothing left to do for the rest of the day. Just feel like chilling on my couch with a couple of cold ones. Also off social media so I’m extremely bored lol. What’s everyone up to???

Hello ! Can u phone a soba friend to talk through how your feeling? The early days can be really hard so it’s great your here trying your best to reach out for help … is there any jobs you need to do at home to keep you busy ? Or maybe read up on recovery as in the early days it helped me so much to read as much as I could on how to stay clean and soba.


Its 7.15pm where I’m at! Tea and Netflix actually sounds like a good idea!! Imma try that hahaa. The goal is to get through the day right??

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Funny thing is I only have one sober friend and he doesnt seem like someone I can trust at the moment. Any good reads to recommend?

Have u thought about doing some online meetings? They are also a great way to help with recovery… I used to read this app loads and go on YouTube to find recovery stories that always helps me to keep focused… I’m not sure where u r from or if any face to face meetings are open at moment but there r a great way to meet soba friends who understand what u r going through x

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Hey Coco. Congrats on getting through the week. I am currently reading The Sober Diaries, really enjoying it, so relatable, it’s as if I wrote it myself. As I’m in my early days, it’s reassuring to know all my feeling are experienced by others, and natural. I also have The Unexpected Joys of Being Sober by the bed, which hasn’t held my attention so much, and The Naked Truth, which is highly regarded, but at the moment comes across a little preachy you’re me. Have a good evening. Tx

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A friend has just recommended space force on netflix. I’m about to check it out!

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I’ve attended one and listening to people share their drug stories sometimes triggers me! Plus, it ain’t really anonymous if you know half the people there right? :rofl: feels weird. I like it better here. I’m feeling better already!


Thanks!!! Sounds interesting. I shall find the e-books for tonight! Hopefully it gets easier tomorrow. Going for a run always helps but I cant possibly run all day hahaha

I use this place loads as meetings are all online at moment and I prefer face to face meetings a few people have said they also find it triggering so u gotta do what’s best for you so pleased your feeling better have a great soba day !

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Forest Gump did! Lol.

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Hahahaha I’ve been thinking about Forrest a lot recently each time I run and I just dont stop