Day 7, really struggling

Day 7, days really stressful, im trying to no cave, between things not going according to plan work wise, i have bad shit in my head, really struggling to not go get a 40 oz and get obliterated, or some powder… i hate how hard this is, i hate myself for feeling weak, everyday sober so far has felt like im being stretched out, im tired, im suicidal, and im stuck fighting myself and everything around me to try and succeed and stay on this path, thanks for reading

Stay string friends


Day 7. You have come so far, keep it up. I have been there, you are waking up feeling good and positive in the mornings. Don’t let the evening voices drag you down. Stay safe and stay strong :pray:t3::muscle:t3:


First 30 days are a bitch man. Just remember this feeling. That’s what got me through. When it went away and I got healthy. I remember that detox pain. And how I never want to feel that again.
Your a rock star man. Keep fighting those cravings you doin awesome


It’s really hard to get and stay sober without help from others knowing what you are going thru. This community is great, but if you haven’t already, get to some meetings or virtual meetings. It will help. Congrats on 1 week. That is amazing and you should feel very proud.