Day 8 Out of the Fog

Its crazy how after those few days of withdrawal how good you feel. Its like you are out of the fog. Today I went to Walgreens and my boyfriend stayed in the car, usually that would tempt me to buy some alcohol because well he wont know, I would think ill just hide it in my purse or buy something and go to the bathroom real quick and just chug it and just buy some gum. But today I CHOSE not to. and it honestly wasn’t that hard. Instead I just bought a chocolate bar and some chips. It felt good to not have that urge to want to get something. I felt good today, I laughed a lot. Like a real honest laugh. I began to cry this afternoon because man I am just so happy and thankful to God that I am still alive and still have the opportunity to live this beautiful life and change my life for the better. LIFE IS SO GOOD. I need to remind myself of this feeling. God Bless You all and I hope you guys have a great night. Remember that life IS beautiful you just have to get out of the Fog.


Man I almost cryed reading your post I feel the same I relapsed again :100: time in 5yrs but again I get up and find something else to help me stay sober this time it was this app sober time and good vibes bineral beats. Bless you and this time I cannot fail I got people counting me.


Yeah this app is pretty cool, I find myself getting on it anytime I have free time. Like instead of social media I log on here. It feels good to be surrounded by others that are going through the same and actually hear you out or to be able to help another person yourself. WE WILL NOT FAIL. I tell myself One Step at a Time not even one day just one STEP.


For you and me both, a break through is coming for us. I’m excited, are You?


Congrats on not being tempted. Gets better with time, like now I go to the same store I use to get my 12 pack from don’t even look at the beer section. I go and buy something else plus since I quit drinking I have alot more money in my pocket. More power to you keep it going :fist:


What a wonderful post. Thk u for sharing.

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