Day damn 3

Day 3 of being out of treatment. Still feel lost. Trying to stay out of my brain and feelings. Bringing myself to accept that some people just don’t want me in their lives anymore. I caused alot of damage. Ruined my relationship. She moved in fast and replaced me at the drop of a hat. It shouldn’t matter anymore. Why does it still hurt?


Cause early sobriety is cloud soaring highs and earth shattering lows, there is no middle ground.

Sometimes it’s for the best, now you get to do just you.


Hey there. It sounds like you have a lot to be sad about and you sound sad. That is ok. Don’t deny yourself that. But be watchful that strong negative emotions are a risk for your sobriety so early on.
What are you doing to keep yourself clean and sober out of treatment while you pick up your life?
You have to make a conscious effort.

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Day damn 3 for me too. You are not alone. Better than day damn 2 and day damn 1 :slight_smile:

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One damn day at a time. It’s work but it’s goddamn worth it. While indulging in your DOC is work too but just a goddamn waste of money, effort and your life in general. Hang in there Justin.

I could have written that :disappointed:. I feel you. Although the love was still there, to much damage was done to her environment (kids etc). Although I know it was not the environment for me (unaware alcoholistische all over the place) it still hurts and will do. Just feel it.

If she moves on that quickly that’s her choice. My ex will do as well. Maybe your ex is also not used to be alone? Mine never was alone, if she moves on that quickly it might be also addictive behavior. A Dutch writer Jan Geurtz wrote about those dynamics ‘addicted to love’. Doesn’t make it all less painful I know, the only way for my is to go through those feelings and let the emotions out, also if it’s a lot of anger.

Keep strong, especially right after treatment. Reach out if you need to.

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