Day number 3

Well i been off alcohol for 3 days so damn hard i been feeling so weak & i been sweating bullets like crazy. I havent been able to get so sleep usually only 3 hours i been sleeping. My face looks so tired my eyes look bad but fuc it am gonna go for another sober day cant quit now


Withdraw is extremely uncomfortable but you will feel so good once you get through it. We’ve all been there…stay connected.

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You got this.Try drinking some chamomile tea that’s a good natural sleep aid to calm the nerves at night. I remember waking up and my bed being soaked in sweat and not being able to control the shaking. That’s the roughest part but once you get though that you will feel like a new person. Don’t ever forget how you are feeling right now. Write it down or whatever you have to do because if you decide to drink again this is how you are going to end up feeling again. But maybe worse. That’s how I look at it anyway. I try to remember how bad I felt that first week but it is possible to power through it. Keep distracted. Play video games, binge watch some TV. Do whatever it takes. Drink tons of water. You got this :))


The first three days are always the hardest for me. It does get easier, and you will start to take control and regain power over the addiction. Don’t let it get in your head and fool you, you don’t need it and sober is the best way by far to go through life. Stay strong and focus on the positive things that are happening already there are more to come.


The first 3 days were definitely the hardest. I didn’t just want to drink every day, I wanted to drink every hour, minute, second. Don’t be afraid to reach out for support. Go to meetings, read about your disease, talk to someone with some sobriety time. These all helped me get through it. You are not alone! :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much i will keep every1 undated

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Thanks yeah i noe i read bout some peoples progress

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Trust me i noe 2 years ago when i try going sober i lasted 3 months the first month i could sleep but when i got to the 2nd month i was sleeping but my bed would be soak with sweat am gonna try the tea

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Trust me withdrawal is the worse i havent been working & i feel so tired & i cant sleep & every now & den am soaking in sweat but am fighting it

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The tea really helps me too.

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