Day One... again

Although I’ve relapsed many MANY times over the past decade plus since I’ve been trying to quit drinking, today I have something I didn’t have all those other times… this group! I didn’t even know such a social community existed! Reading everyones posts makes me feel HOPEFUL and very much encouraged despite being otherwise discouraged from my own failed attempts at sobriety. The honesty, similarities, and all the positive feedback makes me feel that perhaps this time I may make it through the day, through the week, maybe even the month without giving into the agonizing temptation to drink.

When does it get easier? The longest I went without a drink was a little over a year, but since I didn’t change my thinking I ‘white knuckled’ it the entire time. That was almost 5 years ago. Since then I’ve only managed to stay sober for a month here and there.

I’ve learned what NOT to do… now I just need to do it. Mahalo, Thank you, to everyone! For the first time in a long time I don’t feel alone and without hope. What a gift!


I LOVE THAT SO MUCH! Thank you! Nature is my new drug for sure. I live in it, learn from it, and hopefully now will grow WITH it. Meditation is important too but the loneliness gets me since all my friends/family drink. Thats why Im so over the rainbow grateful for this gem of a community! Many mahalos for taking the time to respond to my post! Every word will be reflected on with much gratefulness.


It’s the loneliness that gets me too. Why can everyone else seem to control their relationship with alcohol n I always get wasted and drink far to much. Have an awful hangover today and regret every drop I drank last night and hate the fact I was so weak n thought I could control it.
It has to be never for me not occasionally or only at weekends and that is hard to come to terms with as all my friends and family drink. Did 40 days sober and never posted on here but hopefully this time I will post and stay sober!! Fingers crossed!

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I relapsed yesterday too… after only 24 hours… Ugh. =( I feel you my friend… but there is power in weakness, we just have to find it.


today im day one quitting Heroin … i know both cases are really hard … but we only have 2 options … to live a good life and enjoy every detail in it . or die addicts and lose all … no third option … i would go for option one … what would u do :slight_smile: ?


ya it’s been day one and two for me the last 3 weeks I have one more week off work I had to do this starting tomorrow or I will lose my job

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Congrats! All you can do is take it one day at a time, and today is the start of that! For me I have tried many times before and have realized that I am an alcoholic, simple as that. I do my work through AA and found a sponsor and support system and above all realized that I cannot play God anymore. There is a higher power than me and they are in charge. However you do it just male sure you don’t beat yourself up! Relapses suck, but they happen and all hat matters is that you continue to try. Good luck and keep up positivity!


Don’t worry I’ve seen day one it sucks but we’re Hana do it this time you don’t need to drink n I don’t need h we don’t need it

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If I don’t make it through the next couple days I’m done Ima lose my job again to this n this time I’ll really be f$&ked if I can do it you can do it in so sick right now so I feel you on that it sucks getting so far then waking up being souber again being like I gada drink today

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Lol, Im sorry, I don’t mean to laugh (and it was literally out loud) but your descriptive hang over couldn’t help but put a comical image in my head.

I relapsed Saturday as well and my Sunday hangover was the worst EVER! However, I had realized I couldn’t drink anymore a while ago…but Sunday my HEART agreed with my head that this isn’t who I am anymore and its finally time to leave the self abusive relationship and love myself more than I love a good buzz.

We can do this ! You can beat Thor and I can beat the Queen of Hearts from offing my head.

Aloha and happy brand new day!

It does! I relapsed numerous times as well, but I see you got that fire in your heart to succeed. What messed me up in my previous attempts is that I wanted to quit drinking but without changing anything else. Every thing in my life stayed the same. That just doesn’t work. What you have to do is change your lifestyle too, learn new things, go on adventures, find new hobbies, exercise, read, yoga, meditate. Just to name a few of a nearly infinite list. Replace that empty feeling of drinking with actually doing things and living life . You need a purpose, it’s a basic human function. Community is a huge thing too, it would be a lot harder I think if I didn’t have these forums. The only thing near me are AA meetings and I don’t really feel like I fit in there. Just take it one day at a time!

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Had exactly the same feeling, had 40 days n then stupidly thought I could control 1 drink of cause I couldn’t ended up ill and feeling hideous n ashamed the next day. But I didn’t drink anything unusual and normally after the amount of alcohol I consumed I would have been drunk but not ill. I actually think my body literally rejected it. Which is a massive wake up call as hopefully this time Wil be the last reset. Never really thought I was poisoning myself as body could take it but no I know it can’t and I shouldn’t have any more. X

That’s how it always starts for me. I think to myself I’ll start with a glass of wine and that’ll be it… but it seems that when I open that second bottle it doesn’t even phase me at the time. The next morning I feel like shit and am so angry at myself. Today is day 2 for me… it’s scary because I want to be strong but don’t really know how strong I actually am…