Day one...I can do this

I’m 38 and have been drinking since I was a teenager. I don’t drink during the week normally so I tried to justify my black outs on the weekend as just something normal that happens sometimes when you drink but I’m done lying to myself. I know this is not going to be easy as I LOVE drinking but I know there will be so many positives from it the challenge will be more than worth it. My best friend lives all the way across the country and has offered to quit with me so I’m very thankful to have so much support through friends and forums like this.


You CAN do this! If there were ever a battle worth fighting for its for a fulfilling sober lifestyle. I’ve recently given into the battle and relapsed, but I’m putting on my boxing gloves once again and ready to throw some pretty mean punches to regain my strength in sobriety.

The first few days can be hard as your body gets used to the new routine, but soon you’ll find you sleep better, have more energy, and are just overall more mentally and physically productive. Read through the forum and read stories from others and draw upon the combined wisdom. It’s tough but its rewarding! Every day a new challenge to overcome and through which you can grow!


Thank you!! It’s really comforting to see so much support here and to know that if you falter it’s ok. You just have to pick yourself up and keep fighting.

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Not gonna say its easy , but there is a better you just waiting! Its an adventure discovering who you really are! Keep coming here for support !