Day one support

Hey guys and gals! I just finished a short run and I made sure I planned sober activities today.

I’m at 12 hours since my last drink and I tend to convince myself I can drink in moderation— and of course I can’t.

I could use some real talk and support so I can end this cycle once and for all <3
Thank you in advance.


Welcome!! Glad you are here. I tried the moderation route a bunch of times. It always resulted in eventually slipping back into daily drinking and binges . There’s folks out there who evidently can have alcohol in their house and they can take it or leave it, but I’m not one of them! Took me a looong time to accept that but once I finally did, then I began the work to get and stay sober. TS really has helped me a lot in this regard.
So please stick around and read around. Lots of advice and support here! :peace_symbol::heart:


Welcome Chelly,
I’m glad you found us.
Moderation never worked for me.

This is a great sober community to get and give support. It keeps me sober. One day at a time.
Have a good read around. Join in when you’re comfortable.

Hope to see you around


Thank you both :heart::heart:

Good work @Chelly! Sounds like you know what you want (physically and mentally). Exercise is helpful (essential I think); groups and communities like Talking Sober and other recovery spaces with other people in recovery - those spaces are essential too.

Welcome to Talking Sober! :wave:


How ya doing so far? The lights always on here. Im glad you found this fantastic community!

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Hi @Chelly im new on here one week in but it’s a great place to start talking about it , you seem to know moderation s not possible for you .your now amongst all of us and we can’t either welcome


This message ois 15 days old so i hope you made it im starting my day 1 a couple minutes ago :slight_smile:

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Well done @Astrol welcome to ts and congratulations on day one there’s a great community of people here to help you on journey .search well on here and if you like ask for help and guidance :+1::ok_hand:

Closing in on my first full week, also! Sleeping better and I feel better about myself. Seems like there is a great community here :heart:


Ohhh yes :love_you_gesture:

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