Days gone by

It’s amazing to sit here, and honestly forget how many days of sobriety I have. I mean that in the sense that putting alcohol towards the back of mind, I find myself checking how many days I have less and less the farther i get away from it. While I know the thought of drinking has crossed my mind as the weather has become nice, and bbqs and other “normal” summer activities have come up. But the thought and the action right now are so far away from each other it’s not even a true temptation right now for me. I walk by alcohol daily at the gas station or store and don’t even stop or feel the temptation of it. My closeness to Christ, and a promise to God that i will never drink again is something that continues to keep me level headed and on task daily. Not saying I will never fail again. But the further i’m away from it, the happier I truly am. And would much rather hold on to this feeling more than anything else. When life gets to be more than we can handle, I know i can trust in God to bear the weight of this world. God bless everyone, and have an amazing day!
**PS i checked my calendar, 68 days lol


I too have addiction moving further from my conscience thinking the more clean time o stack up. I use the tracker of this app so I’m not looking at a calendar. Having addiction moved to the background instead of it being front and center proves we do recover. If you ever do have those crazy thoughts about wanting to pick it back up, come here and tell us, and well help talk some sense into you. Always remember NEVER CRAVE ALONE

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Amen! I’m lucky to the fact that my cravings have majorly have been non existent, same as my desire to even pick up. My sleep and my mornings alone of uninterrupted sleep and peacefulness are soooo much better than the other of post drunk. Thank you for the support!!

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Awesome work my friend, and such a positive attitude I love it! I know what you mean about checking the days less and less and it’s a wonderful feeling. :blush::blush:

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We all have so much stress in our daily lives with everything that surrounds us. So when the count of an addiction gets put to the side, its that much less stress where you can finally focus on the right areas of your life and making things better! It is so awesome

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It really is so awesome…and so are you! Keep up the great work. :muscle:

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68 days well done keep us updated on your journey wish you well

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I’m totally agree with you.feel the same and of God .my prayer getting each day closer to him.I’m into 71days right now.

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Congrats to you as well! :slight_smile:

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Cograts man! I made 18 days today, and I feel still so much better. My random no alcohol drinks are taking over the house, but that’s no biggie! Keep on keeping on !!


Keep it going! My place looks like i’m smashed on water and seltzer all the time lol

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