Declutter your home and your life

I would have snatched it up! I am on the hunt for one… :sweat_smile: I think refreshing the posts helps, adding extra details the longer the post is up. And a bit of luck never hurt, either. It might depend on the community, too.

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@HolySquid Yeah, it’s been hit and miss with me. Sometimes, I get lucky and sell things right away, other times, nothing! I have a generator for sale, never been used, not even an inquiry, but a broken TV, got rid of it right away.

I just don’t have the time nor energy to put in the work to sell my junk; it really is a part time job when you have more than a few listings.

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understatement! With FB, my experience has been 70% of inquiries are “I’m interested” then ghosts. Another 25% are “I know you listed for $300, so I’ll buy it for $20”… Then 5% are genuinely interested, and half of those actually come through.

My theory is that since it’s integrated with FB, the listing is widely visible and people see it who may not necessarily be looking for it and it piques their interest, for a second.

Whereas on CL, they HAVE to go looking for it. I would imagine OfferUp (and the likes) would be similar to CL in that vein.

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Wow, weird! Not like that around here. Granted I live in a pretty small community, which might make a difference. Too bad that’s been your experience. I agree with your assessment of Craigslist, definitely.

Man, I would’ve bought those tools :laughing: I literally only own a hammer, 2 screwdrivers, a tape measurer, and 20 allen wrenches to random furniture, lol.

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My grandmother was really into astrology. She read it every day and taught me a lot about it. I know a lot of people think it’s hooey, but I keep it alive with her in mind always.

Is this me or what?!


That’s it. Bang on!:+1:

We inherited loads of old book from my MIL, some first editions. I checked a few for value. Some 10, 20 or even 50 pounds. Altogether quite a good amout. But the items were so unique, it could have taken months or years to find buyers. And we still had the rest of the house and content to deal with.

We had a good talk about it and decided to give the lot to a charity that specialises in old and antique books. The money they raise goes towards schools and keeping girls in education in Africa.

Could it be that there was a book in that pile worth a fortune? :thinking:
Do I worry about it?
It’s all gone to a good cause and I’m happy with that decision, no matter what :blush:


I sold about 300€ worth of clothes three times in the past, two flea markets and one huge eBay haul. This last time I didn’t make that effort, I really hate flea markets and it’s so much work putting things online w proper description and measurements, it’s just more than I could do this time, cos of the volume of things. I still feel bad about the money but I did make that decision…
I put all my non clothes stuff on our v lively street corner and it was gone in a few hrs. It was all useable and some very pretty stuff. Books I resold mostly, some donated and 1/3 also went to the corner and everything was taken.


I’m not a libra, but procrastination is my super power :upside_down_face: :rofl::scream:


I think people just don’t like going into other peoples houses to look at and collect bigger items. I had a few people asking if I can deliver. But that wasn’t a possibility. I found a courier, but they didn’t want to pay that much (£40). Sending me quite a mouthy text about false advertising, because the item wouldn’t be free anymore :roll_eyes:


I have the same experience putting items out on the curb and they’re gone within the day. I enjoy doing that because that was me at times in my life, stopping to check out what had been left out and scoring some pretty nice stuff! Especially when I have lived in college towns - young college kids can be goldmines for their high quality “trash” :rofl:


I’ve put in some serious work to declutter and organize our stuff over the last couple months. One area I’m especially pleased about is this storage space. The half bath in the basement has this random space, and I had the idea to put these metal shelves here for linens, cleaning supplies and medicine cabinet odds and ends (we used to use these as pantry shelves in our previous house). We can just fit between the shelves to access items on either side. It is working out beautifully and since taking this photo I’ve filled them up with the rest of our linens, etc. I also have plastic tubs with keepsake items on the floor underneath now. Our bed frame in the master bedroom has drawers that pull out underneath and I’ve dedicated a couple of them to one spare set of bed linens, bathroom towels and kitchen towels so that they are easily accessible, then I rotate out as needed. Pretty good system so far.


I’ll take the Johnny Cash albums off your hands for you!:smile:

Just discovering this thread, I have some major clutter issues myself. It’s all overwhelming.


You must be mad. They will survive any decluttering. :dizzy:


Friendly reminder to take apart and clean out your space heater BEFORE it starts shooting sparks on the carpet :zap:


Oh my!!! That could be very dangerous!

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It won’t be for those who see my PSA :grin:


That’s why I prefer the oil based space heaters, no fans. Glad you got yours clean. It’s pretty satisfying to clean out fans, in my opinion.

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oh wow - thanks for the reminder and grateful you were able to get yours cleaned out before any sparks flew.

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Oh no. They flew :comet: That’s why I did it. I got that heater in early spring too, so I only used it a couple months before summer. I couldn’t believe how dusty it got.

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