Definition of insanity

Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing expecting a different result. So me attempting to quit on my own is crazy. I decided to go to AA . I feel like this is a huge step for me. I realize that I cannot do this myself, and that there is no shame in getting help. I’ll admit that I brushed the idea of AA off because I was embarrassed of what my command would think of me. But it doesn’t matter what they think. I have a family that I plan on being an asset to, not a burden. I’m also going to start writing in a journal to help me too. Here’s to day 1!


I am so happy to hear that,it’s hard to quit on your own and I’ve lost people to so called going it alone,this takes a lot of bravery and determination, I am proud of you.

Thanks. I just finished my first day. They were really nice and gave me a book and everything. I’m also going to start writing in my journal. Day one in the bag :sunglasses::ok_hand:


Cool,I use Daylio app to do my journaling,best streak was 78 days in a row,it helps, I can look back over these last crazy months and re-live the misery of living with my ex and why I left what I was doing.

Good for you! I just decided that same thing…but rehab.

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