I can’t believe this but I am feeling depressed!!! The only reason I can think of is that I don’t have my daily high to look forward too, and I guess there is one pissed off alcoholic in me that is not happy about being on day 11 of my sobriety. I have thoughts now of capping my sobriety at a 30 day goal then going to social drinking only. I am starting to negotiate with myself… Crazy!! This after I passed my first real test yesterday too. I made some BBQ, and we had family over to watch the game and eat lunch. They brought some Dos Equis longnecks which I love (btw…I love all beer), but I went way down the rabbit hole a time or two with 2X. I just sliced them up some limes, and got out the beer salt while they drank and I had water. Right now I am telling everyone I am cutting back for health reasons… yeah right… I know I can’t go back to the drinker I was before, but rationally speaking I don’t see how I could drink socially and not end up back down that road again. I guess its the finality of it all… IDK
I went through a serious case of depression, anxiety and an all out Hate for sobriety or anything related to sobriety.
I was angry all the time, i refused to accept that i couldnt drink anymore…i was blaming everyone else for me having to get sober.
After going through the rough days…about 60 days worth i finally started feeling better and started thinking more clearly.
Will it take that long for you?
Hopefully not, but however long it takes just trust that it gets better and what your going through now will eventually just seem like a bad dream you once had.
Stay strong…stay sober!
Don’t give up or give in. Remember why you started. I am barely on day 2, and as soon as I picked up my kids I saw a beer on the counter. I touched it. And that was it. I still have to drive by the gas station I always stopped at on the way home. I’m going to find way to keep my mind occupied while I pass it hang in there. I’m proud of you and all of yall for sticking it out. I hope I’m as strong as ya’ll are.
Thanks for the encouragement. I couldn’t have made it this far or have the courage to keep going if not for the support I have received from this group. I am angry, I am depressed, but I am thankful too.
We’re willing to go through our hangovers getting drunk and we knew they’re coming…we’re willing to get strung out for days getting high and we never thought twice.
To stay sober we must be willing to face the pain, fight the anger, and feel the sadness to live a better way.
Facing life on lifes terms is not easy but neither was living life the way we were living it before.
Hi. Like others here I would echo their sentiments. I did 87 days from June 9th…went back to uk from my parents place in France and thought I had this thing under control. I bought a couple of prosecco bottles a white wine mini and a couple of beers. I thought…you’ve earned it. I’ll only drink tonight then go back to abstinence. Yeah right! I ended up drinking but only this time worse. I have just finished a walk with my mum in the French countryside on a beautiful warm autumn day and I was thinking of drinking. I open this app and so many people in similar boat to me gives me strength. I drink out of loneliness and boredom but when I’m anaesthtised I can’t say I feel happier. When I’m high I’m not really really happy…just out of it. Then I forget what I watched…check my phone for calls etc. I can understand missing that high but we’re you really high? Did it make you feel ecstatic or was it masking withdrawn? If alcohol was so great and made us ecstatic…why are we here? You’ve done really well…don’t lose sight of that would be my advice…but I am no expert
Thanks for the encouragement Tim. I am still hanging in there going on 12 days today. Longest streak for me yet.
Have you negotiated with yourself before and thought about being a social drinker? If so, what were the results? Did it work out? I am assuming not otherwise you would not be here. Dr Phil said something to the effect of you can’t keep doing the same thing and expect different results. Keep trucking buddy! Focus on the positives of not drinking.