Derek on higher power

Good stuff guys! Here’s a very quick version of mine. I had been going to meeting everyday for about 3 weeks. I couldn’t believe I was still sober. But I wasn’t complete by any means. I was defo white knuckling it.
I knew something was happening tho. There were so many “coincidences” happening in those meetings. The right topic on the night I really needed that topic. The right person talking to me after the meeting. It kept happening. At the time, I didn’t know that it was God. I was still struggling with a higher power.
One night after a meeting this dude named Paul approached me. Never seen him before and haven’t seen him since. He was chattin with me about God. I told him that I believed in God but that was about all I knew. That I felt unworthy for all of my wrongdoing. I told him that I didn’t know how to talk to God. He smiled and said "God is listening to you right now"
That was when I felt it. At those words it was like a switch went off inside my heart. Those words really dumbed down something I had been mindfucking for the past 3 weeks. It was so simple. God was listening.
The tears started flowing and like Derik, I spoke to God for the first time ever. Paul said the 3rd step prayer with me and I felt it my heart. When I got home I asked God to remove the obsession to drink from me and He did. I have not obsessed a drink since. That was the night everything changed for me. That was also the night that I learned that there is no such thing as a “coincidence”. It was God putting these people and things in my life exactly when I needed them. And He did that night.
Lol. I still get tears in my eyes when I tell that story


Beautiful story, makes little tears coming up my eyes.
Yes, these “coincidences“, they kept (and keep) happening to me too. It’s like my receiver went from Off to On.


I know many people dont believe in “God” as their higher power. I’d been holding back my opinion on this topic, but I feel that I should share it anyway.

I believe that we are children of God as the bible states. Moses spoke with him face to face and was referred to as His son. It blew his mind. He been raised in the courts of Pharoah, basically royalty. What did he say after his encounter? He had never before considered that man was nothing. But, not nothing. We are important to our Father in Heaven. His purpose is to raise our spirits into adulthood. We are all spiritual infants. We’re sent to this life to experience the bad so that we can appreciate the good. What would life be like if God just removed all the hardship from the world? There would be no climb, no ascent, no refining. We could not become holy as He is without going through the furnace of affliction.

Our progress through this life helps us have understanding for God’s mercy and justice. And after all is said and done, if we strive to do what He wants us to do, we will have the chance to grow more.

Think about this. If God is the parent of your spirit, are you not His son/daughter? And if you are, then do you not have a divine heritage? You are special, and He loves you, because you are His.


Clearly the higher power is trying to tell me something. Thanks everyone!