Determined, but the want

I am new to this app. It looks amazing though.
Anyway, I am determined to be sober. I’m tired of the hiding, sneaking around, lying, etc. But I can’t seem to get over that desire to drink. Like I’ll go to meetings, aost every day. Sometimes at work I’ll hop in a zoom or an ITR. I got to 60 days earlier this year, but relapsed.

One of my biggest issues is being triggered almost every day simply because of the weather. Nice weather, cookouts, being outside and having a beer was my thing but I can’t do that now.

I reset my clock once again to today. I didn’t get drunk yesterday, just kind of buzzed but I know it’ll eventually lead to something worse. The meetings I’ve been too I am not really feeling anymore because although I love the people, it’s a lot of the same people, same stories, same everything so I don’t really feel like I’m getting anywhere anymore. I know I need to find new meetings.

Any advice on getting over the “want”? Should I just treat it as an urge/craving and meditate or something? I feel like this is such a dumb question. Thanks in advance.


Focus on just today. When the craving hits tell it, not today, satan. Then distract yourself from it. Early in recovery I fed my cravings with other things. Boston cream donuts and I became best buddies lol. I had to keep my hands busy. Eventually those cravings will lose their power. 24 hours at a time. Tell yourself that today I will not drink. Tomorrow will take care of itself when it gets here. Don’t think too far ahead.


Sounds to me you’d fit in :wink:
Just stay openminded. Those same people with their same stories are not there to entertain you with many stories.
They are there to share with you what worked for them.

Listen to those same people, same stories :wink:

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One thing that helped me was changing my relationship with alcohol. It went from something I wanted to something I despise.

Here’s a thread about it: Change your Relationship with Alcohol

In the early days, I also had to avoid the people, places and things I associated with drinking. By avoiding those triggers, it allowed me to focus on building my sober network, learning the tools to be and stay sober and finally change my relationship with alcohol. I did all that here, on this forum.


I like your second to last sentence .tomorrow will take care of itself when it gets there. Thank you.

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Lol this made me laugh

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giphy (1)


Think of the painful wanting as your addiction dying. It will lessen over time. Might help to reframe it in this way


I like this, thank you