Did you set up a reward system for milestones? Share yours

Was just curious if people use rewards as an additional motivator in staying sober?
The light math says that after a year I will have saved a minimum of $4750. That only counts drinking at home, doesn’t account for drinks out on the town.
I’m going to put that $ into an account and treat myself to a vacation that I have been dreaming about for the past 10-12 years.


I usually go pick up a chip at a meeting and go out to dinner.


For me it mostly goes into savings and my Kombucha (non-alco type) habit. I am also making mortgage payments and have a financial advisor now. So I guess you could say it’s going toward constructive rather than destructive things now. I also usually take a token at 2 or 3 meetings, or “go on tour” as they say!


Good for you
I have looked what spent on alcohol and I will be saving it to buy me a pomeranian and I am gonna call him ether Alfie or Reggie
So I am starting my puppy account now
Good luck to you and once your in your dream holiday enjoy every second you earned it
Life is so much more clearer


I’m kind of doing the same! I’m saving up to adopt a dog from a shelter and also just start a fund for animal healthcare for my current kitty and any future pets. Love spending money on my animals and they dont seem to mind being spoiled :laughing:
Also a huge fan of tattoos so 10% is going towards a tattoo fund


That’s a good amount of savings! Congrats :smiley:
I’m splitting my money between a savings account for pets and getting more tattoos. I think it’s great to reward yourself with something you love! One man’s dream vacation is another womans scruffy shelter dog and ink :woman_shrugging:
Keep up the good work! :heart:


I’ve never heard of a sobriety pendant but now having looked that up it’s a beautiful reminder of your journey and accomplishments! Thanks for sharing, I might just follow your lead here :smiley:


I have loads of tattoos I love them
I would love another one down my left leg


New guitar at 1000 days! Got 40 days to go but have it picked out.


I built my home gym during my stints of sobriety. @Shell1 I’ll have 7 months tomorrow and i think when i hit a year i may sleeve in my other arm, crazy about the ink too… it’s been a few years since i sat in the chair.


At first I spent savings on things that benefited sobriety. Tea kettle, camping gear, trips to see family.

Really tough, sober is enough reward for me at this point. Lately just letting the savings pile up for a rainy day, maybe some day buy a home which once seemed impossible.


Good for you
At the moment I am missing my gym big time
But yes I am hoping to get another tattoo I also have a under Bobb tattoo but really want a leg sleeve


Good for you
And amazing


I wouldn’t know what to do without a gym, i thank my lucky stars i built the one i did everyday.

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My first month i bought a sobriety tshirt to have even more accountability. Otherwise like many others I have been gathering my chips each month. Last month I had to order one since in person meetings are not happening right now.

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Husband rewarded me with a new Cadillac for a year sober


Daannnng. Nice gift, congrats on a year!

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I enrolled in some community college courses outside of my field of expertise with some the money I have saved by not drinking.


At 30 days I sold some of my brewing equipment and bought a ukulele and guitar amp


It’s really gorgeous! Reminds me of the Deathly Hallows from Harry Potter…which I might just be a tad obsessed with :laughing:
Here in the Netherlands its pretty sparce as well…might just have to order from overseas when the time is right. I just passed week 3 so a year seems like eons away but I’ll get there!