Difficulty at night

I am one week alcohol and cigarette free today. I had a good day. I went to work, went to the gym, walked my dog, made a healthy dinner for myself. I was feeling pretty good. I’m lying in bed now, and I realized that my struggles mostly come at night. I suffer from depression and anxiety and a number of other things, the reasons for which I also believe are the reasons I turn to alcohol when I feel that I need something. My mind often races at night, sometimes with nonsensical things and sometimes with memories or thoughts. I really just want to sleep when my head hits the pillow, but it doesn’t come without a fight. I used to take Zzzquil to help knock me out, but that has alcohol in it so I gave that up too. I don’t even know why I’m writing this. I’m sure there are lots of people who understand. Some of the things I think about are frightening, involuntary as they may be. I wish I could just lie down and go to sleep and not think so much. Thinking can lead to undesirable things.


I sleep with a fan on. Loud enough where it drowns out my thoughts.


Try some Melatonin it really helps me a lot!


I totally relate. I go to bed exhausted and within a couple minutes my heart and mind are racing. I find that some sleep meditations help, or sleep music. I use Insight Timer. The app’s free version has thousands of meditations and lessons of all kinds. The key is going to be retraining your mind to follow the thoughts that you want. Meditations and breath work are far superior to substances, if you can master it.

Maybe you can also try a magnesium foot soak, or bath.

I sometimes take CBD drops, which I am OK with, but some are not.

I feel ya, my friend.


Can agree too about sleeping at nite cuz I got depression and aneixty etc I take transdone for sleep isomina and top of That my neck and shoulders hurts

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I love insight timer as well. I actually was paying for the monthly premium then cancelled. I really can’t tell that anything is missing. It’s a really good app not only for meditation.


Love this idea, but I sleep with earplugs actually. It’s not the outside noise that bothers me so much – it’s the inside noise.

Thank you so much. I am a huge bath fan and they usually help, but lately not so much. I am going to give that app a try. I appreciate your response. :heart:

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When I’m strung out on alcohol, I’m up for days in a row. When I’m not, I sleep well. I use a fan as I said. But I adamantly believe get in a brisk walk during the day, wear yourself out. Eat well, your diet affects your well being. And drink lots of water. Dehydration is the enemy of good sleep, hence why alcohol causes such horrendous sleep.

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YouTube has a shit ton of sleeping noises to sleep to. My favourite one’s are :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:. I also listen to thia guy who like, tells the whole History of the French Revolution in a quiet, soothing voice. Shit knocks me the hell out.


The anxiety, the panic, the sheer havoc that alcohol has played on my mind and body for so long. It’s a shame I abused it for so long and it’s a miracle I decided to quit. When I’m sober, I sleep well, I’m stable, I’m content in my own skin…the absolute opposite of how I am when drinking.


Agree on all statement

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Check out the app called Breethe. All kinds of meditations, sleep stories, and white noise. Helps me immensely.


Never heard of that app before breat h e

Just thinking about you hope your doing well my friend

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Thank you! I am doing well. How are you?

I’m good loving the sunshine! Will have 7 months tomorrow pretty happy about that! Glad to hear from you hope your sleeping well

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Congratulations! That’s amazing! I am sleeping well. I hope you are too!

Yes I do sleep well the first couple months I didn’t but I do now. Melatonin helps if I’m feeling restless

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I have tea at night, different kinds of herbal and sleepy tea. That usually helps me.

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