Discussion of Political Memes & Politics

I love it! That’s what I’m talking about !!! :joy::crazy_face::rofl:
So simple.
No hatred.
And sooo cute. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


George Soros memes gave me some anxiety.

Looking down the Soros rabbit hole is pretty scary. It gives me a sense of how corrupt the world is and how impossible it seems to fix.

Social engineering is a pretty terrifying topic. Soros name comes up alot in that topic.

Theres alot of evidence in the accusations of Soros funding the violence that ignited the beginning of black lives matter. Its not conspiracy theory. Its conspiracy fact.

Now the violence continues because we fight over racism. Police brutality, blue vs red

Triggered me a little.

Occupy wall street gave me alot of hope, but it never accomplished anything except spreading awareness.

But so many people still fight eachother over stupid shit, while the criminals running the show do their thing.

Awareness is good. Buts its kind of overwhelming.

I enjoy the thread and this civil conversations happening here.

Just wanted to vent so my anxiety didnt build up.

Ive got alot of other life things giving me anxiety. The memes are a good distraction from that.

Work has been slow, our products came in today. Being busy is better for me.

Ive been spending alot of time here. Its been good for me. I dont sit around and wait well.

The Zoo gave me anxiety. There were alot of mazes in the lines. Not enough people to jusify the crazy mazes. All the mask wearing people, the new normal gave me anxiety. This big city gives me anxiety. My kids mom… alot of doses of anxiety going on.

Im sober and laughing at memes! :muscle:


There are always things to be anxious about. Personally I’m less worried about Soros and more about the people who are stirring against him. But I accept that when there is so much conflicting information out there, the real truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

Whatever the symptoms or the global news story of the day. I would say the issue is largely one of there being too much money and power in the hands of too few people. That makes me anxious. But there are things I can control and things I can’t.

Things I can control: the amount of news I consume and the sources I get my information from, the people I speak to about certain topics, the places I spend my money, the way I spend my time, the way I treat others

I have recently reduced my hours at work and I have sooo many things I want to do and learn. Deep adaptation is right up there, feels like a more positive response to potential upcoming challenges than anything else. Not started yet tho!


i made a conscious descision to try and spend more time doing what I love more than I hate. I switched careers in that decision.

That was scary, it worked out.

Live in the moment. The moment could be worse. Alot worse.



Im all for a women President. Thats why Im voting for Dr. Jo Jorgensen. She is by far the most qualified candidate. If they werent blocking her from the debates the election wouldnt even be a contest. Its time to break the two party system. It has nothing to do with gender or race. It has to do with Democracts and Republicans being two wings of the same bird. They are simply two different paths to the same slaughterhouse. They provide us the illusion of choice to continue tribal division amongst us while they continue to do only what benefits them and their benefactors. #votegold #joj2020

Sometimes things are so well said, there’s nothing that needs to be contributed.
Well done, bro. :v:

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Yes, this is the main point of contention for me also. The problem for me is that the systems proposed as a solution to this (socialism basically) is not a solution at all. If anything, moving in a more socialist direction makes the group of people with money and power even smaller as the government gradually take more and more control. The idea that socialism (in its pure form) is fair and just is complete fallacy. That’s not to say that elements of socialism are not good (a welfare state for those that need it, socialised healthcare etc), but it’s a fine line. That’s why I’m assuredly Centrist.

Look at ‘medicare for all’ as an example. At face value most would think that its a really good idea, that it’s the compassionate approach. But if you go all in with it and remove private health care entirely (which many democrats absolutely want to do), where’s the democracy, where’s the individual choice? What happens to the doctors that don’t want to work for the government? Do you lock them up, are they suddenly criminals? At best you just have far fewer doctors. It’s the Kulaks all over again.

Plus, if you add in an open border policy, free healthcare for everyone, with less doctors, what happens? Sounds like a disaster in the making to me and hardly compassionate.

You just have to look at history to see how quickly this kind of thinking escalates into suffering, and not acknowledging this is very dangerous. And the idea that the US currently is a form of tyranny, comparing it to Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union, is absurd.

Im sure everyone would agree that the current system in the West is deeply flawed, but personally I feel that a move towards socialism and identity politics (which is exactly what the left represent atm) would be a terrible move. The system needs to be improved sure, but not destroyed.

Plenty of people will vote Republican not because they love Trump, but because they know their history and don’t want anything to do with what the Left represents right now. The lesser of two evils as it were. And many voting Democrat will do so with virtually no understanding of the politics they are supporting. But things are too far gone now for any real discussion on the matter, neither side want to listen to each other, and I find that really upsetting.

I’d be really interested to see what others think about this.

While it would be wonderful to break up the rigid, antiquated two-party system and is probably inevitable in America’s future, a vote for Dr. Jorgensen this November is a vote for Trump.

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Me, when the comments here turn political



I feel like the new thread has been way smoother than I expected.

The discussions here has been civil.

Removing them from the original meme thread has lowered their offensiveness.


like the old combat zone in Boston.

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I get that. Shame tho as you’re one of the people here that I would like to hear the political opinions of. What with you being ex military with strong historical knowledge and all. I can totally see why you wouldn’t want to discuss that here tho.

I think I’ve kinda misjudged what this thread is about anyway :upside_down_face:

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Oh, I have very strong opinions regarding politics, and for many years was extremely active. I was a party chairman of my local unit for 6 years, and worked many campaigns. I had a reputation as a political brawler, and was a go-to guy when some activist group needed leadership and direction in organizing around some hot-button issue.

With my background as a former Marine Officer, I viewed politics like this: Clausewitz wrote that “War is the continuation of politics by other means”, and if this is true, than the inverse must also be true. The opposition in war is “the enemy”, so the opposition in politics is also the enemy.

Virginia, my state, has elections every year. Even years are Federal and local odd years are state elections. This means a perpetual “state of war”.

The inevitable effect on me was that I viewed the world in terms of “us and them”…and I had no interest in any interpersonal relationship with a “them”. I found this to be detrimental to me as a Christian, and other areas of my life. So I retired from political life.

But it’s like being in LA Cosa Nostra. My former ploticos keep trying to pull me back in, and my former opponents view me with a certain level of distrust. And I will admit that the temptation to jump back into the scrum is great, these days.

This is why I will keep my opinions to myself on TS. Sure, there’s a bunch who will agree with my views, but a bunch will disagree, regardless of how respectful or well-reasoned my argument. Then one day I comment on something not having to do with politics, someone will disagree with me, because I am a “them”. Or, one day a “them” is struggling…will who they voted for, or some negative comment about my “team” prevent me from answering their call for help?

Therefore, I won’t be sharing my politics here, or viewing the political memes thread. I don’t see it getting less heated as November approaches. I just want everyone to have the joy of clean and sober life, regardless of their politics.


I appreciate you taking the time to respond and I think your approach is absolutely the right one. I try and be the same but when something interests me I find it difficult not to engage. I commented here because the subject of wealth distribution has been on my mind a lot recently and i wanted to say my piece and see what others had to say. But this isn’t the place for it, it causes too much friction and before you know it you pick up a label.

Not in the least bit surprised ha


I used to get pretty upset about politics. Watched the news in the morning and then listened to other news throughout the day. This lead to a lot of anger in my life. It lead to all around unhappiness.

And for what?? None of this stuff is in my control. And almost none of it directly effects my day to day life. Not really at least. That could change someday but I live my life for today. And today, I will be just fine and so will my family.

So I don’t watch the news anymore. On my commute I listen to a podcast of a guy that shares my views, but isn’t a cheerleader for anyone. He calls balls and strikes. And he makes me laugh.

I just realized when I got sober that none of this shit matters to me. I don’t need a king (or queen) to dictate my happiness. I don’t need their decisions on policy to change how I interact with the world around me. I just need to keep my household in order. Raise my children the way I want too and keep us safe.


I think I’ve mentioned before I’ve always hated politics and never thought my vote mattered. I don’t know if it still does or not? I’m just appalled at the way things are now and all the hate. I never use to pay attention before and I still feel like I didn’t have to pay attention back then. I was busy bringing up a family and working and burning the candle at both ends. That may not be a good excuse but it’s all I got. I’m very tired of hearing “ it’s always been this way”. “Every president lies”. “It’s always been corrupt”. It’s the hate I want to get rid of. I got a lot of hate in me that I don’t feel comfortable with because of all this shit. And yes I blame trump. I’m listening to all your opinions and I don’t have to agree and I don’t hate any of you. And I feel if I wanted a drink today y’all would reach out and help me out no matter my opinion. I know I would do the same for y’all. Being a twitter junkie ( I’ve cut back on Twitter substantially and I’m trying to be on TS instead.) I use the political meme thread as a release and I can honestly say I’m not hating anyone because of their post. I think it’s a fun release. I think this thread has been very civil and look forward to all discussions and pray none of us attach each other. I don’t think we will. We all, here, have a common ground. Sobriety. We need each other don’t we?
I’m off for my walk.
Love you guys.


Oh and one more thing. I’m really scared for this country because of politics and COVID-19.
:walking_man: :walking_woman:


After a great walk and reflection and an even better home made BLT. :yum:.

I wanted to share what I have learned from twitter during all this mess. Twitter is the only social media I use except for my friend Craig. :crazy_face:. I feel and have learned the hard way about 3 times now. I’m learning though. Before I retweet or say something it’s always a good idea to fact check. There’s a lot of good fact checking websites out there. I usually use 3 or 4 before I retweet something. Unless it’s a funny meme or some such nonsense. But if it’s about a person or something I just saw like a clip from the news I fact check first. You’ll be surprised (maybe not, but I am horrified!) at all the misleading claims on people and doctored videos and so much more. Maybe that is one reason I don’t have much of an opinion. I guess I’ve always been afraid to be wrong. Maybe not such a bad thing.


I’d love to hear your views also.
I respect that you dont want to.

I’m going to tone down my memes. I triggered myself with my Soros memes.

In 2008 our fake economy crashed. It hit me hard.

Prior to that, I was like most Americans. To busy chasing my version of the American dream to pay much attention to the bigger players behind the puppets on stage.

I started researching, and was appalled when I realized how deep the corruption went. I kept investigating, and wanted to fight it.

I lost everything and these criminals built bigger skyscrapers, mansions and yachts.

I always knew the system was messed up, but I had found a niche that was working for me until our fake economy crashed.

I became obsessed with it. There’s alot of scary shit out there. Impending doom anxiety.

I was six years sober when the economy crashed, I had been divorced for a while. I planned to focus on work and pick up where I left off. There was no work because the enonomy crash killed my business.

I didnt drink. I lost my home because I lost the ability to pay for it. I didnt drink.

I didnt start drinking until Nov. 2011. I got sober in Jan. 2002.

I didnt drink over the corruption in politics. I drank because I felt like I was missing out on being normal. I was bored.

Once alcohol entered my system again, impending doom from the lack of change in humanity gave me a good excuse to stay drunk.

Occupy Wall Street didnt accomplish anything. I remember watching live from online when they lit up the skyscaper with peace and awareness slogans, and cities who were participating. It was global. Tears of joy flowed because this felt like the global awakening I hoped for.

Peaceful protesters were beaten, maced, tear gassed, shot in the face with non lethal rubber bullets that could be lethal if shot to the head. A 70 year old female protester was maced so severely that she was choking on the liquid. White protesters. Black protesters. All the colors in between.

What were they protesting for? Human rights.

I watched it fade away into the void that people never think about anymore.

I made a decision to spend more time doing what I love than doing what I hate. I quit obsessing over the corruption in the world.

Covid has triggered my anxiety way before my recent Soros memes.

I’m doing better focusing on whats in front of me today. Living it the present. Today was a great, sober day!

Like many of you said. I cant control it.
I didn’t create it. I cant fix it.

With the help of memes, I can laugh at it.