Discussion of Political Memes & Politics

I’m a young(ish) white guy. I’d hope my, or anyone’s, qualification to lead wouldn’t be based on race or gender. Just on ability.


I’ll take anyone who strikes me as competent and a listener, personally.

Anyone remember “Lowered Expectations” from Mad TV?


It wouldn’t matter to me what race or gender or age. I definitely take the person who I think is most qualified. My favorite was Eric Swallwell Or Pete BUTTIGIEG They are nice young men. Personally I thought the most qualified person was Elizabeth Warren. Or Kamala. Right now we need something better than trump. The bar is pretty low. I’m just saying it seems like we have had a lot of old white guys and it ain’t working so well. And we got 2 more of them running now.


I am in no way saying Hillary didn’t get the popular vote but there are a couple of things to keep in mind. Most of the people who voted for her were in high population areas. Generally the more progressive major cities. Also, the electoral college is in effect for a reason… it gives smaller communities a say in our election so they aren’t ignored, per say. Remember, Al Gore also won the popular vote but lost due to the electoral college/red states.

Maybe I should have reworded that better… I don’t believe the “nation” is ready for a female. It would be interesting to see it and I hope I do, but right now? I’m not so sure.

Right now I think Kamala or Elizabeth should be VP and I like Tammy Duckworth. Lots a good people out there.


I just think it’s dangerous to put the blame on ANY race or age. I don’t care who it is, as long as they can do the job… I’m down for it.


Just for sake of discussion and facts, you do HAVE to be 35 years or older to run for President of the USA.


Haha. True. I guess age is a bit of a factor.

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definitely. Don’t want my bro Tanner running this country.

And for real dude, I’m all about a female being president. It would be an interesting situation =)


I’m all about whoever is best qualified and will do the best job (hopefully).

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I thought Warren was far the most qualified. Sad to see her go, but at this stage, any alternative seems great. I guess you can argue a BIPOC is less likely to be quite as racist as some of our leaders. One advantage of somebody who isn’t a cis-het-man is that the chance they’ve committed sexual assault is probably a little bit lower. If we think not being an assaulter is good. Women leaders seem to have done much better around the world with the virus, but maybe that’s just because so many male leaders happen to be autocrats, and maybe ladies can be that way too, given the chance.


All humans with power, regardless of race or gender, will corrupt most of the time, unfortunately. All over the world this has been true. Not just white, males.

But white men have been the prevalent leader in our country, so it’s easy to argue. I think everyone would corrupt. Yeah…super optimistic.

Bill Clinton was a smooth talker.
The Clintons are criminals.

I was young and didn’t pay much attention to George Bush Sr.

Dubbya was as bad if not worse than Trump for saying stupid things.

Dubbya and Cheney are criminals.

After they were done in office, I was listening and buying into Obama. I was ready for something new.

But Obama ended up following the same agenda that Dubbya had started in the middle east, following his fathers agenda.

Trump sounded good because he was willing to do it for free. I didnt trust him because he was already a reality star on TV. Its easy to see the possibilties that a billionare in office could use on the poltical stage to increase his already staggering wealth.

I guarantee he has profited way more than his meager presidential salary that he supposedly declined.

So now we have narrowed it down to a creepy, poor talker and a wealthy, arrogant, poor talker.

Both parties are backed by the same huge cooperations. The coorperations cant lose. They own congress.

They keep us fighting amongst ourselves over our illusion of democracy.

How do we solve it? I dont know. The United states isnt United at all.

United we stand. Divided we fall.

Trump hasnt made American great again, Biden wont do it either.

They all have huge criminal allegations against them, but they are never convicted.

I dont buy into any of it anymore.


All I know is trump has no respect for the constitution and is an insane evil corrupt narcissistic treasonous lying sonofab$&@. He’s tearing this country apart. Dividing us and even attacking Americans and letting us die. Putin is having a field day. Check out the documentary Active Measures. This is happening right now before our eyes. I don’t care about whataboutism. He must be stopped. He only cares about one thing. Himself. That’s it. Frankly I’m scared shit. No this apparently is not a perfect government. But what’s going on now is bullshit. I’m so upset.

Oh and I might add I was a registered Republican up until the election in 2016.


I’m not a fan of political memes mostly because I spend a large portion of my day digging into the news–local (not just my local news, but local papers in other areas as well), national, economic, and international. I’m a detail oriented person who uses a lot of critical thinking while digesting current events, so I find them to be simplistic, tribalistic, and even hateful at times. Memes are often also made to provoke some kind of emotional response from the viewer that further cements that person’s preconceived beliefs.

Basically, I’m a wet blanket lol. But at least I know it and am not in denial. :upside_down_face:

I don’t care if other people indulge in them. Each to their own. It’s none of my business what other people do with their spare time. They’re just not my cup of tea. I’d rather have an intellectual discussion about issues from a dispassionate point of view.

Different strokes for different folks, yeah?

@MrsOdh If you love the political meme thread, you should post your memes! Even if only a few people will get the joke, they’re memes you have that you think are funny. You never know who else may get the joke. :+1:


I’m sorry to break it to you but there’s no leader in any country that actually cares about their people. They all care about themselves, their power and the money they’ll get from it. No matter if it’s in US, Russia, Sweden or anywhere else. As soon as they are granted power that’s all that matters to them and they’ll do anything to stay on that post. You, me and other “normal” hard working people doesn’t mean a thing to them except for when it comes to our votes or our ability to pay taxes. Even if it would be an ideal way of ruling a country it wouldn’t matter, people all works the same way when ultimate power or money are involved.


I think you’re wrong. The Dutch prime minister really seems to care about the people. He may not be my preferred prime minister, but he takes his work serious and has a passion for it


Maybe the Netherlands is the worlds exception, but I doubt that. It might depend on who you ask though.