Do I always get another chance after relapse?

@Mephistopheles Thanks for those words !!! Yes. Its like being in a combat unit and watching your fellow soldiers die. Like one of our Old-timers said “This Shit is Real ! It’s trying to kill us !”


At the end of the day it is most important that the individual responsible for their recovery (self) accepts whatever message is the most beneficial to their recovery. I’m like you; I respond a little better to a “shape up” directive, but if that directive or counsel induces shame, it will drive me towards relapse. The best thing that the self can do is to learn to survive these thoughts and put shame away - to take each response as a motivator to form a new commitment to the future self that we will not turn to our DOC as a solution.

If we surround relapse with a culture of shame and failure (which generally lead us to drugs) it will generally not lead to better results, but a stronger addiction.

Surrounding relapse with hope and devotion to sobriety will yield sober, clean selves who are able to look to the future with hope and joy.

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On my journey a relapse was never acceptable but it was always inevitable. Whilst drinking towards the end that train would have been a godsend.
Over 18 months sober and posts like yours remind me of what it was like then and where I am now.

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First of all love the Eddie pic. Second of all in my eyes relapses can be a part of recovery, but never has to be an option. All we can do is push little by slow one day at a time. I know if I go out and slip up, that there is no guarantee that I will make it through with my life. So I’ll continue to pray on that alone.

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Hi, obviously this was posted almost a year ago so I just wondered how your condition is doing?
I also have the same cirrhosis of the liver with ascites and feel very isolated as it seems uncommon. The ascites was something I never heard of.
I have repeat drainage and diuretics which haven’t helped and am now being assessed for tips operation or possible transplant.
Genuinely would love to hear how you are doing and speak to others with this condition. It would be nice to know if there is light at the end of this dark tunnel.
E x

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