Documenting My Recovery

It’s day 1 of my recovery from alcoholism. I’ve tried to stop drinking on many occasions, and have decided the best way to try and put an end to my addiction, and hopefully to help others, is to document my progress.

I guess I’ll give a short blurb as to some current motivation to do so.

I’m currently looking for work, and currently my main goal in life is to get in a professional track job in my career field. Just a few months ago I got back to the US from working overseas. I told myself when I got back I would get my life on track. I would start exercising, working on developing myself professionally, work on developing better relationships, and most importantly I’ve felt I need to seriously cut back on my drinking habits. I currently drink anywhere from 4 to 12 drinks per night, predominately beer. I’ve noticed changes in my health, such as a slight gain in weight and the potential development of serious heart related issues, like hypertension. Additionally I’m concerned about cancer and other illnesses that are related to alcohol.

I guess ultimately I just want to be happy and healthy, and take alcohol out of the equation, considering I currently use it as a vice to combat stress and anxiety. I know that self medicating isn’t the answer, and I want to prove this to myself. I’m also concerned the people who are closest to me, my father and girlfriend, are starting to catch on to my addiction. I’ve done an extremely good job of hiding it, but the more I drink obviously the more apparent it’s become to my loved ones.

I plan on documenting this as a way for me to comeback and look at my progress, hopefully to motivate others if they are interested.

So here’s to day 1. I currently feel a bit anxious, and I can tell my heart rate has increased. I’ve been thinking about drinking all day after a party and a long night of binging. Here’s to tomorrow, I’ll be in touch.




@JamesC Thanks for sharing your story! It’s great that your being aware of your drinking and documenting it. Helps to see it as a reminder. It’s important to be honest with yourself & your love ones. It can be hard at times because we all have the fear of judgment but in the long run it’s beneficial for our sobriety! Great job on your 1st day sober & setting healthy goals for yourself! Stay strong, you can do it! :smile::smile::smile::clap::clap::clap::sparkling_heart::tulip::heart_decoration::v::v::v::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand: