Does TalkingSober need Elon Musk to buy it?

But maybe people want to speak about Politics :man_shrugging:

No politics but you’ve allowed a God bashing thread

Yep true- this doesn’t ever happen the other way around :man_facepalming:

Oh geez. This is a mess. Starting off a thread with negative connotations towards “the ___” and “they” doesn’t seem like a good idea on any topic. I love it here because there’s no politics and debating. Just a group of people aiming for the same goal regardless of anything else. I don’t want to jeopardize that. I like spaces with rules.


My religion has no effect on you. Politics effect us all. That means something to me.


There was a forum vote to ban politics because of the shitshow that happened. If people feel that discussing politics is a helpful part of a sobriety forum they are free to message mods and if lots of people feel that way rule changes are always an option. It isn’t about the personal opinion of moderators, although of course we are members too.

There is no god bashing thread. There are so many threads about AA, Christianity etc and on most threads if anyone expresses doubts about those methods they often receive multiple replies telling them why they should reconsider or why it has been a successful approach for them. Which is fair enough! As long as polite etc which it usually is.

There is one thread on the forum explicitly for people who do not have a higher power in their sobriety. If it crosses over into god bashing, that is against forum rules and flags will be ruled on accordingly. It is perfectly possible to be atheist and not part of AA yet be respectful of those who choose otherwise.

I haven’t been following much on the forum as I’m in the process of moving house but as always please do flag if you see stuff that is not in the spirit of the supportive sobriety community it should be! :hugs:


are you having difficulty finding a cyber outlet for talking politics? i think theres at least one or two such places floating around on the internet, i could be wrong though. youve been on the forum a while so you know how things go. what’s got you coming on to post all this trash? isnt there something about resentments or acceptance in aa?


We will agree to disagree, hope the house move goes well Sian :smiley:

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My sobriety is based on being open, honest and having an opinion, this includes being able to speak about what I want including politics. I wanted to speak about the Ukraine crisis which I couldn’t do.

I feel strongly about this so I will post it :+1:

You might think what I post is ‘trash’, I won’t lose sleep about it :blush:

So. My 2 cents. Know your audience. There are 2 parts of my life, that I do not discuss on here. Is it my right to talk about it?My feeling, absolutely not. Freedom of speech comes with responsibility. Both parts I keep quiet, are triggering for individuals here.

I would hate to post stuff about my life, that might affect another person’s recovery. We all know how raw a person can be in the early stages of recovery.

One part of my life, actively helps returning Veteran’s return home from combat. Sounds great right! And it is. However, the method we use to get the veterans to open up, is something that has be established on here that is a topic not to be talked about. At first I was angry…through my recovery, I have grown to respect other people’s feelings

There are so many outlets to talk…I went and found one. Guess what!!! It was a far more receptive audience, and in the end I have helped more people.

The point being…sometimes we have to, as individuals lookout for the greater good



As a reminder to everyone, including me:

  1. please be respectful
  2. keep things civil
  3. keep being sober

You know exactly what it means, you’re just trying to stir the pot to get more on the bandwagon to lynch me.

I’m not taking the bait :roll_eyes: :fishing_pole_and_fish:

My political views don’t actually come into play here but I’m firmly in the middle, I just agreed with this particular post so added it my post as I’m annoyed about the censorship.

Closing the topic for a bit.