Don't know what category

Ok I’m very angry :rage: I have 9 days almost 10. Every time I say something some one says ‘no your wrong’ they feel they need to always correct me. I may be wrong sometimes but not every time I say something. It’s just dragging me down for some reason and making me so very angry :rage:. Why?


Life in recovery (really, life in general) there will be days of frustration. You’re feeling your feelings without covering them up. All you can do is walk through it without numbing out by finding other ways to cope. Exercise is great for anger.


Being angry in the beginning is COMPLETLEY normal. I can’t emphasize that fact enough. I get angry about everything, or sad and I want to bawl. There is no in between, but the emotional craziness will pass. Give it time.


I’m angry right now!! Hehe, actually I’m not. But I will be if it helps you stay sober today!!

Being emotional is normal in early recovery. When before we just drank our emotions away, now we have to deal with them. Everyone is gonna piss you off one day and you are gonna love everyone the next.

Sorry for your bad day pal. I sure am glad you are sober tho😆


I can relate all around! It was scary how angry I got in my first few weeks. And it was hard to recognize it as symptoms of withdrawal because of how charged the emotions felt.

It’ll even out as the days add up. You’re doing great!

Now that we are sober we get to feel our feelings and figure out how to walk through them without drinking. Anger is just one feeling that we would drink at. I have learned things to do in sobriety that help me not be resentful and let things go. When I am angry I try to look for my part in the situation, and what I can do differently in order not to put myself there again. I do this because I can only control my actions and the less anger and resent I carry the easier life tends to be.