Drink alternatives?

When I first stopped, i found myself craving soda.
Dark stuff for the carbonation and caffeine, lemon stuff for the carbonation and sugar.
I eventually cut off the soda.

Quickly moved onto coffee and that has been my goto since. Not the healthiest but better than drinking alcohol.
I also started drinking cold presses, the bitterness radiates comfort within me for some reason.
Maybe I’m just weird on that last one haha

But most of all just basic water.

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Just plain old water for me or coffee.
Non alcoholic beer got me through a camping trip when I attempted sobriety in the past :slight_smile:

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Definitly love kombucha too !!! I forgot all about it thanks for the reminder im on day 3 will get some tomorrow !
I would love to make my own seems quite tricky :see_no_evil::rofl:



That’s serious!

Even sober I have a drinking problem lol. I like options.


#fridgeenvy that’s one nicely stocked fridge :raised_hands:t3:
This at least is a positive drinking problem lol

So the adaptogen drink I got today was really good! L-theanine and ashwaganda for calm and reset and clarity, and the flavor was really good! The brand is Moment. Not cheap but cheaper than alcohol and a nice change from la croix.


Nice looking fridge you got there. I had quite a selection of drinks too when I first started my sober journey. Have you tried the Spindrift. It’s my new fave when I want a stronger flavored fruit fizzy drink. Still zero calories.

You can order a variety pack on Amazon. I think Whole Foods has them too. Lemon is my fave.


I enjoy Crystal Geyser sparkling mineral water (different flavors) Purchase it by the cases. Really helps when I’m looking for that carbonation and not turning to a soda. :two_hearts:


If you have a Sodastream machine you can put Kombucha syrup/concentrate in it which is much cheaper than buying ready made. My best friend served it to me that way a couple of times at her house.
Not sure about making it yourself, but l guess that would be even better for you?

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Wow,nice selection! I think opening the fridge up to that would confuse and overwhelm my pickled brain out of a craving for alcohol.

There are some really core sober addicts out there! I know of some AA members who won’t drink Kombucha because it is fermented.
Better not eat over ripe bananas any more!

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That’s just illogical, I mean either you drank alcohol or you didnt… Simple as that! I obviously dont know nothing about NA (what is it anyway?), but to me it seems stupid to make up some strange rules and enforce them on others.
My grandad was an alcoholic, but dried up the last 35 years of his life. I know he wouldnt have anything reminding him even remotely of alcohol anywhere near him.
I understand that, but I believe that people are different. Some can stay sober for decades while drinking afree beer, whereby others shun the smallest reminders of an abusing past.

To add made up rules to other peoples list is not helpful. Each to his or her own!

For me personally, being able to enjoy afree beer is likely to keep me on the wagon, moreso than if I couldnt.
One of the reasons i became an addict in the first place was due to the taste of beer. I simply loved it, and still do! Afree beer provides much of the same sensation, but in a healty way.

Sam Adam’s non alcoholic beer is solid!

This is an excellent idea!

I’ll have to check that one out!

I’ve seen these at Costco but never bought them, I’ll pick a pack up next time I’m there and try it out. Thanks for the recommendation!

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@Yellow- so cool and very inspiring!

I like my athletic brewing na. I’ve also had some cbd infused drinks that aren’t bad. However with the na beer if beer was your doc I would be very cautious about that. Recently my wife got me some kava to help with anxiety and sleep. I’ve never slept good. I did not like the kava. When drinking all of your senses become impaired. With kava you still have mental clarity but I got dizzy. I hated it. I know some in recovery that love it. I do not. It tastes like crap and I didn’t like how I felt. I’ll stick to water, athletic brewing, and the occasional cbd drink.