Drinking,gambiling, and drugs

I hit the bottom of a nasty whole in my like this weekend I lost the woman I fell in love with, I am home alone and know it’s all because drinking.
I am an alcoholic and it is leterlay taking my love for life away. I have 7 hours sober and will push forward with the hope I can restore my sanity. I am truly at a lose for words

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Stay strong…find something to occupy your time go for a walk or find a meeting. Take things moment by moment. You can do this and we all support you in your journey to live a clean life.

Trust it will get bettet. I lost two partnerships because of drinking. We have the chance to manage our life again and every hour and every day we stay sober gives us more and more selfconfidence.
You’ll make it! Stay strong, stay sober. :+1::+1::+1:

Might not be in the same boat, but we’re definitely on the same river path to destruction. Stay strong, nothing is harder than losing a loved one because of alcohol, just to have to deal with the stress by not using! It’s a very slippery slope, im on day 1 myself. This is the 5th time I’ve tried to become sober.

I’m sorry to hear this. I’m on day 7 in just a few hours, after starting over at least 100 times since last September. 7 hours to 7 days seems like a long time, and nobody knows that better then me, but you do get stronger. Only with a higher power can your sanity can be restored.
Stay strong


I have stayed sober for 60 days in the past a couple times , I have been in a few relationships also and this women I can say is the first that I have truly fell in love with. It’s probably to late to fix things but I know if there is even the slightest chance the only way is to show her with sobriety. With or without her I will do this, I will not live a life of loneliness and disparity. Headed to a meeting at 530 tanks for the replies they really do help as always only a true addict can understand

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@Holdonforhope…good for you for hitting the meeting!!! 90 in 90…it works if you want it bad enough. As far as the relationship, im sorry to hear that but be grateful that the loss was the catalyst that got you into recovery. In my experience, no healthy relationship will ever come out of an alcoholic situation. Put yourself and your recovery first! YOU are worth it!!!

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On day two, the thing I just keep wishing is that time would speed up. I just want to be back to who I was.
I know I just have to live each minute, the last thing I’m thinking about is drinking,drugs,gambling I crave the sober minutes,hours,days,years I need to be back in the happy place I was.

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Well I thought I would give a little update, I am 35 days sober today. I have attempted to quit in the past, however this is the first time in my life I truly don’t crave alcohol. I have also quit taking my SSRI and couldn’t be happier. Life has been no slouch at throwing it’s typical blows, brother having mental Crises and refusing help, moving my business, bills are still tight from my drunken gambling rampage’s.
My armor is thick, it’s built from years of pain, suffering and hardship re forged from the fire that burns inside to live my life as God intended. Sober
Love to all ,this is your life! Remember that

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