"Duh" Realization

I feel kinda dumb, but after eating two cookies and standing in front of the refrigerator scooping the cookie dough into my mouth I realize that I have the same stopping problem I had with alcohol with chips and sugar.

I sometimes’just keep eating or drinking as if I’m going to hit a magical point where it’s enough or satisfied or I have that perfect bite.

It seems like a really easy connection but it’s taking me 52 days sober and 41 years alive to figure out. So…now…how to stop it??? Does this sound like straight brain chemistry/impulse control or emotionally based? I think I was fine this afternoon…


Sugar helps when quitting drinking. It kind of fills that craving. I am starting my paleo diet today so no sugar unless its honey or maple syrup on that diet. To wean off, I’m still drinking coffee for the first 2 weeks (I can’t have it without sugar personally) so I’ll be allowed to have 2 coffees a day the first week and 1 per day the next week to taper down with less headaches, but I’m not eating anything with sugar in it anymore. 96 days into my sobriety, I’m excited to get my clear skin back because since I’ve been eating sugar again it hasn’t been happy and I’ve been a bloated mess lol. So, I’m actually excited to do this!


Here is a helpful thread

It’s crazy how once you quit something you start looking at other aspects in your life and you realize that probably everything you did was a little overboard. I know for me, I have OCD so especially when I was in school, everything had to be perfect. I would rewrite something 50 times if I had to so it looked perfect and there would be no mistakes. I had things color coded, if a three page hole punch was askew I had to redo it. I would spend hours organizing and reorganizing, checking and double checking. It was exhausting until I learned to manage it.

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Can you link to what you’re referring to? I could some sage advice, clearly. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The most startling thing after posting this was challenging my “I’m just a binge drinker” mentality. I truly didn’t comprehend that I am a binge everything-er. :fearful:

I’m a binge eater, binge drinker, binge reader, I binge in activity…apparently, possibly all these things are connected. Which is cool and totally effing overwhelming.

My binge eating is so sporadic I can’t just stop eating and I think for me it would be dangerous for me to restrict certain foods in a way that it wasn’t dangerous to restrict alcohol. Ugh.

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Okay I think this is my question:

How do you stop once you’ve activated the addiction or binge?

For me, it’s not about a desire to snack and being able to replace the impulse, it’s abnormal for me to binge and it sneaks up on me.

Writing this out I realize I’m a big ball of confusion about this whole topic.

Heck - I’m still trying to learn how to link a thread! Search for I Replaced Booze with Ice Cream…Now What?


Thank you! Those are all great for before my mouth turns into a gaping black hole!

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I’m still struggling with it, but it is getting better!

You go, sugar detox sistah!

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We will get there! :slight_smile: It’s hard at first, always is but the end always justifies the means. Now if I just stayed off it forever I wouldnt have to do this lol

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My hero! Thanks, @Bill_Phillips!

Is there some trigger? Like too much stress or over-thinking or bad days etc. Do you feel as if you want to run away from something.

Eating nice stuff releases endorphins in your brain. The “Happy Hormone” as people call it.
The brain gets hooked on that.

Just like watching YouTube or binging on novels cause. Yet, to diacover whether alcohol causes it too or not.

What is it that you’re trying to escape/avoid? Whats the trigger to this autopilot mode?