Eating disorder - sugar binge

Hi everyone,
I am more or less new here. I downloaded the app in hope to improve my motivation and willpower, but even though I feel so proud whenever I reach my “3 days goal” I just cant get any further…
Bevor the week ends I need to reset my progress shamefaced…
I wish so desperately for an end of my excessiv suagr craving. I am well aware about all the bad effects it has on me but I am still stuck in my binge eating disorder.
Sometimes I feel like the ugliest and weakest person in the world.
Does anyone have similar experience orb know any advice for staying strog?


Well I lost 140 pounds. Not without tons of trial and error. Your palette adjusts over time.

It’s not just what you eat but how much. Having a cookie a day is fine. Having a box of cookies, not fine. And definitely do not drink anything with sugar. If you crave something sweet, there are many sensible options: fruit, yogurt, granola bar.

Use other treats to reward yourself besides food. You’re not a dog. Put energy into the first few weeks and then the routine will take over.

Do you have any experience in handling other addictions in your life?

There’s a thread titled “sugar boycott” where a lot of us that are trying to stay sugar free are posting

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Thanks for your thoughts. I like that sentence “you are not a dog”. I should really keep that in mind since it describes exactly how I feel like sometimes.


I definitely struggle with Binge eating, it’s something I do bc in my mind it’s a coping mechanisms that doesn’t do much harm unlike self harm, but I haven’t binge ate badly lately, and I hope I don’t, it has effected my life dramatically, made me gain alot of weight and lose self confident, it affected my body with the combination of purging my food back out, sometimes my period would stop for 3 months or more, and it’s just not good

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I know how you feel. I hope it helps you to know that you are not alone. I wish you all the best in staying strong!