Emotions: the best thing to relearn

I’m 28 days with no drinks for the first time in 8 years or so, and someone said this in an aa meeting the other day that hit me hard. “Getting sober means getting your feelings back, bad news is you get your feelings back. " for me it was bittersweet at first but atleast now I have the choice with how I will deal with them because before I felt like I didn’t have a choice…I just had drinks. Now I just say “better than yesterday” to myself or in response to being asked how I am doing and that’s way better then lying and just saying"good”.


@Fromashes That’s awesome 28 days! Good for you! I’m at 22 days sober! Whoohoo! I agree with you about your feelings coming back. I’m still learning how to deal with them myself. Stay strong, you can do it! Blessings! :heart::heart::heart::blush::blush::blush::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::v::v::v:

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@Fromashes hang in there I am currently dealing with a bit of anxiety atm. Trying to stay calm and address those feelings. You will have good days and not so good days but hang in there 28 days is something to be proud of. Try and take a moment to centre yourself and think positive thoughts. I find when things get a bit much I try to chat with friends or do something I enjoy. In my case its walking it is a great release. Hang in there u r doing a great job. Take one day at a time.

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I need to relearn how to be human. My biggest issue is that I hate everyone. I come by it honestly, my father was angry drunk whose advise to me when I was a child was to crack a person’s skull with a wretch…being calm isn’t something our family is good at.
That combined with a mother who thought she was better than everyone.
I am walking around with a ball of hate in my chest every minute of every day. Some times I feel like I can’t breathe. Pills and a drink seems like the only thing some times that will heal this pain.

Day 3 is done…I haven’t hurt anyone :slight_smile: