Enjoying Activities Sober

Looking for advice on how to go about my day sober and not feeling like I have to drink for everyday activities like I normally do… it’s hard for me to enjoy watching TV, playing video games, listening to music or really anything without wanting to pick up a beer.


It’s going to be really hard and uncomfortable at the beginning. I’m a beer girl too so I can relate! But, try to change your mindset about you and what your life means to you. As in the person you really are before it got a hold of you.


Sparkling water is my go to. I purposely grab that instead. Bonus: SUPER hydrated.


I got a soda stream and it’s pretty good, I drink water and add flavors to it.

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With how much I go through it I should just invest…but alas. too lazy right now🤪

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Think about how you feel mentally and physically after drinking and you’ll realize you don’t like that feeling any more,that’s what gets me through and the fact my use and I emphasize WAS killing me …literally…my motto…stay strong, stay positive and keep the faith…and oh yeah. Today is a great day!!:grinning::100:


I drink Kombucha in a fancy glass with ice…makes me think it’s a spritzer.

A lot of improvising really. In the beginning it feels ridiculous, but it’s actually helped thus far :blush:

Exact same. I drink kombucha, nice glass and some ice haha

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I drank energy drings and/or sparkling water in my first year of sobriety.

You have developed a habit of drinking with most all of your life tasks so it is normal to struggle breaking that habit and time is a big component to your success. Just keep your reasons for not drinking close to the forefront of your mind. I would even consider writing then down as a reminder to read when needed.
Know that every urge to drink that you say “NO” to you are building up your sober muscles and also weakening those thoughts in your head.

Maybe you could write down what you feel on a piece of paper and make an artwork with it

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Doesn’t kombucha have alcohol in it?

It’s delish and I feel like it’s something special! Nice to know I’m not alone enjoying this gut healthy treat!

Not anything I’ve ever had. It’s fermented tea.

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I’m no expert on the stuff and not trying to be annoying or anything, but doesnt fermentation create alcohol?

Store bought kombucha has less than .5 percent alcohol.


In my eyes alcohol is alcohol, but of course if it actually helps someone fight their addiction, I’m happy for them

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I am neutral to it. … I dont drink kombucha. I have had a piece of rum cake since I got sober.

Sobriety is a personal thing and I have succeeded at ending the negative consequences of drinking which is what matters to me.


Being present again, @Dann.

I drank to escape the moment, personally. Sober my attention needed focus for a while. But really trying, I slowly find why I enjoyed what seemed to become mundane.

Of course, once my skin stopped crawling with withdrawal, etc, lol… that just takes time tho

I’m from the Netherlands, we can sell booze here in grocery stores and all kombucha here has alcohol, but I don’t think kombucha is popular here

Welp, Alcohol isn’t listed as a by product on the stuff I drink, and even it had anything it’s like an NA beer…there are a majority of brands that do have .5%. The health benefits are why I drink it and again grocery stores here are prohibited to sell alcoholic products so I feel fairly confident in consuming it. :blush:

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