I’m noticing an entourage of negative thoughts that all seem to force me to make judgements. I let them run their course and find that the phrase “it’s okay to_____” or “it’s okay that he ______” seem to bring relief.
I’m not non-confrontational so the question of whether or not to follow through is lingering.
I will give it time. If these thoughts begin to torment I will follow through. If not, I’ve gotten past and into the new.
Early days of recovery include bouncing thoughts and out of control emotions. There were days when just sitting on my hands, figuratively and literally, was the best way for me to deal with those swings. Things, that is thoughts and feelings, do even out fairly rapidly. I had to learn to sit with the discomfort and let it run its (usually very brief) course.
There’s plenty to read and to do to help grow your sobriety. Here is a link to a great conversation about that.