I drank this evening…prior to this I had gone 4 days. I’m so angry at myself! I met my oldest friend with my boyfriend for a meal, she even offered not to drink to support me but I said “f**k it, it’s xmas” I’m so annoyed at my weakness.
I find checking the goal page on this app that breaks things down. I never thought I would get to day 15 but here I am, liked seeing my additional tick last night and looking forward to getting a tick for day 30 now
Don’t beat yourself up too bad. I’m sure a lot of us including myself have been there before. We are far from perfect. Falling down is a part of life. Getting back up is living
Hello and welcome! Take your slip up as a piece of learning to identify your triggers and it will help you do better and better. Let us know when you get your goal tick for three days, it’s a hard one but so good when you get it
Hi and thank you my weak times are after work (usually go straight to the pub), lunchtimes and when I get home…restaurants too. I managed to go to the pub today with workmates and have just a coffee, it felt great but a little sad at the same time. I have a real mixture of emotions at the moment but I know I’m doing the right thing for my health and sanity. I’m Alexis by the way, 35 from Leeds, UK.
My weak times are between 5pm and 7pm when I race home from work to cook tea with the kids nagging and the dogs want walking etc etc and it gets me through until kids bedtime. Very sad as my kids are really good. I suppose stopping drinking at that time limits the effects in the morning. Anyway, I’m 17 days sober and loving every minute I’m from South Wales so a fellow Brit
17 days!! That’s brilliant! I’m looking forward to a hangover free life and no more boozing on top of hangovers to take the edge off it…what are your NYE plans? Hi from freezing old Yorkshire!
Hey, sounds like you have the right attitude you can do it!!
I had 40 days relapsed 3 times now I am on day 5 really was so disappointed when I hit the reset love looking at the days add up getting towards a sober me n no more hangovers n days upon end wasted feeling sorry for myself!
It’s really rough but will be worth it, best is to not have that first one as soon as you do your mind goes f#@k it I have hit reset may aswell make it worth while Big MISTAKE!
NY eve will be tough but it has to be no!! Also from UK
Wow 40 days! How did it make you feel? Did you experience anything? I’ve never gone longer than a few days since being a teen, my folks always owned pubs so I have always been surrounded by it. My folks were huge drinkers and I started very early with the boozing, I really hope I can do this, I want this so desperately…
I had always worked in restaurants and pubs was so easy to have a drink. I used to finish work late drink an bottle of red and eat cheese on toast everyday!! Haha!! Didn’t also help I got a free drink after work!!
I was so pleased with 40 days! Got this app and then just kept stacking up the days! It made me feel amazing so proud of me. Healthier more focused. Don’t get me wrong first 3 days were horrendous, body aches n really anxious like my heart was going to burst n kept thinking have wine to calm down!!! Then I had one drink in the pub as my partner said oh you have done so well you will be fine. Then the cycle was broken and I binged. Got invited out with my older cousins who I really looked up to and I got so drunk I blacked out in a restaurant and woke up covered in sick. They had to call my partner who had to leave work to come and get me!! At this point I knew my body just couldn’t take it n if I was going to stop it would have to be for good. The shame I am still cringing at!