Favorite things about being sober

What are your favorite things about being sober? There’s a lot I’m realizing now that I had neglected. I’m only on day 25 straight and wow, the amount of stuff I get done is amazing! I’m back into taking pictures, back into holidays, going places and not being a hermit. I’ve been spring cleaning and gearing up to work on my artsy stuff and our rock shop. I’m HAPPY! And, as an added bonus, my face looks SO much better (not red) and I’ve lost 15 lbs so far! I have been able to stick to my diet easily without the booze and I’m exercising-my health is finally improving. In addition to this, we have saved a ton of money, my boyfriend is sober too now and we have our partnership back. It’s not just me trying to keep up on things for us all since he can function now and we no longer have any reasons to bicker like we did when we we’re drinking. Also, I no longer have inconsistent training for my 10 month old border collie, since we aren’t drinking my bf no longer riles him up and encourages rough hand play that we’ve been trying to break him of to stop his nipping! Just so many reasons to say yayy!!! Life is on its way to GREAT again and we have no interest in looking back!!! :slight_smile: What are some.of your favorite things about being sober?


My favorite thing is I got my “fire” back. My love of life. It’s frenetic and messy at times, and I have to wrestle it into order, but it’s mine. I regained the ability and desire to focus on what needs my attention: My family, job and all the passionate pursuits. I can get up and get after it every day. Very few wasted or idle moments these days.


Yes!!! I feel very much like that also. In hindsight, I wasted well over an entire year. Now, I find I’m always going a million miles a minute so I have to make myself slow down to focus for a second lol.


You mentioned happy…i have noticed a cloud lifting. I still get frustrated, but not nearly as bad…it was almost like I was getting intentionally frustrated, so I would have a reason to drink. It is a cycle that I am slowly breaking


Very well put! I used to let every little thing frustrate me so I would be able to justify “needing” a drink. Or ten more often than not. I would hold all that shit in until I was able to sit on that barstool and down my first shot. I was that regular that got my shot and beer as the bartender was saying hello. No time wasted. Now I am able to let all the stupid things that drove that frustration just slide right off. I may get frustrated still but the next minute I’m smiling and laughing again. Couldn’t do that before, at least not until that first shot when down my gullet.


I totally understand that! When I would think about quitting before, I would quickly change my mind because something would happen and I would “need” a drink instead. I was apparently a miserable cow lol. Now, I feel a big weight lifted off my shoulders and I just feel much happier and less stressed!


This is today’s favorite thing about being sober. Walking in the sunshine with my pup after a long long winter! It didn’t even matter that it was cold and blustery out, it was perfect. I mean, just look at that face!


My favorite thing was getting my soul back after meth stole it.
I have never been so motivated in my life. It’s like I’m picking up where I left off at 16. (Energy wise)
My drive has been thru the roof. I am happier and actually fun to be around. I also noticed that my drive is infectious. My social anxiety is non existant. I also haven’t told a single lie since sobering up. Not that I plan to lie. It just feels good to be 100 honest no matter what lol
So all in all I couldn’t be happier. It may have taken loosing everything. including the woman I loved most in the world but sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omletI


Day 395 off alcohol and cigarettes.
I have so much money. :joy:
I am remembering stories my clients told me, and producing some of the best hair of my career. Therefore, making more money as well.
My skin is A.MA.ZING. I haven’t lost much weight, but I look thinner. Like, I was just walking around bloated all of the time.
My nephews and I have been spending tons of time together, making awesome memories.
My dogs and I have also been getting a lot of time in. They LOVE the dog park.
My husband and I are doing so much fun stuff, and still accomplishing so much the day after.
So, pretty much everything is going great. :joy:


This is my favorite question bc it’s the easiest answer!

Not being dead!

Yay yay yay yay yay.


I feel happy. I am not as anxious…though ironically, I used to claim I needed a drink to calm my nerves. What a lie I was telling myself for 19 years!


what @Yoda-Stevie said about getting his fire back. That’s so true for me as well. I used to feel like shit all the time, I had no hope, aspirations, dreams. I also feel like I have more love to give.I have a new appreciation for life. I appreciate little things now like a cup of tea, a hot shower, a place to live. I took those things for granted before. I appreciate my partner more. And my cat doesn’t bite my face anymore (I’m not trying to cuddle him at 3 o clock in the morning, when I’m drunk and upset)


My favorite thing about being sober is realizing how long 24 hours really is. It’s easy to drink for 12 hours and sleep for 12 hours, but when your sober you realize how much time there really is to do things you like!


That’s SO true, at first I was trying to figure out what to do to fill my time and I quickly realized that I could do everything now that I had more time back in my life. That’s when I realized I had wasted the last year and a half or so of my life and I’m not interested in losing any more time! :slight_smile:


Uh so many things. Less red skin, clear eyes (only swollen in the morning now lol), my face does not look this sad any more, I’m slowly losing weight, my social anxiety is nearly gone, I started taking care of me again, more money, I laugh more, I care less what other ppl may think about me and so on and so on. Life becomes better and real again. I can handle negative emotions better.
It was so worth it to quit alcohol :muscle::green_heart::blush:


I’m only on day 6 so still trying to shut the inner voice up to have a cold beer, BUT right now I really love waking up early with a smile on my face instead of feeling like crap when my alarm goes off, I’m way more productive, and my kids see a sober mumma instead of a buzzed one. :blush:


Yes!!! We’ve got 2 16 year olds, I’m also doing this for them to try to break the cycle. Amazing how we can turn into someone we never wanted to be! That’s what makes me keep going. I lost my father and my aunt to alcohol, I want to show these kids there really is a better life out there by truly living it!

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Sorry for your loss!:disappointed: We only have one life and tmrw isnt promised so make each day count…I always tell my kids that and kind of felt like a hypocrite the day after some drinks and felt like doing nothing. Congrats on your progress staying sober!!

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This morning my favorite thing about being sober is that I can sing again. Even before I became an alcoholic, I stopped singing much. My ex was an insecure narcissist so for 15 years when I did anything I enjoyed that brought attention toward me, he would shoot it right down and discourage it. Though the day he moved out, he told me I should sing more and publically. :woman_facepalming: As a result, I still don’t like to sing in front of people-I wait until my house is empty (which is super rare) or when I’m in the car. But since I quit drinking, I’ve been naturally back into the things I love to do and I’m rediscovering my love for music. For that, I’m starting my day thankfully instead of hungover and groggy on my way to work! :grinning:


Thank you, 27 days in! The boys have definitely noticed a difference, especially my boyfriend’s son. His dad isn’t getting drunk and then busting in his room all hours of the night to mess with him. The last time he drank, it was $100 to replace the headphones he stepped on doing that…he swears he won’t drink after watching his father, I just hope thats how it goes. Epecially as he sees how different and how much better life is without it. Consistency and actually living are great things!

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