Feel good brain dump

So I’m feeling some good feels today it’s been a pretty good week one of them being I finally have a single debt paid off and I’m so thankful for that.

Another feel good of the month is reaching 121 days sober the 5th of this month and the reason I’m checking in is because I had an incident after work where I got pulled over and usually I would have been so mad but realized because I sped that was the cause which led to the affect and I just pay a fee but I say all that to say thank God I’m sober, through these good or bad days and because of this community I’m inspired to keep going. :blush:

I’m so thankful for my sobriety
I’m thankful I still have a home to lay my head
I’m so thankful for the job I have currently because it’s allowing me to focus on my bettering my circumstances
I’m thankful for sober podcast
I’m thankful for a supportive family
And I’m thankful to God for allowing me to reach this place🙏🏿


That’s wonderful! It feels great doesn’t it? Happy for you :innocent:

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Thank you it feels pretty good :blush: one day at a time