Feel hungover, is this normal?

3 days sober. Woke up feeling like absolute death. Dizzy, feel like I’m going to throw up, trouble standing. Is this normal? When does it endddd.


Oh heck to the yeah, expect that for about the first ten days. After that all you’re emotions start coming back, lots of fatigue and just completely out of it. Try getting a lil walk, or even take a bath. Just lots of rest and relax it’s gonna be ok

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this is a list I posted a while ago of things to expect in the first few months

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Yup. Totally normal pal.
Most times it is PAWS. Post Acute Withdraws Symptoms… or maybe it’s Syndrome. Lol.
Anyways. Give it a google. Or search the forum for PAWS. lots of folks have posted about it

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Yes, this is normal. It’s called withdrawal, the severity and duration of which differ with the individual.

Hydrate. Eat a bland diet. Take some B vitamins. Rest. It will pass.

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