Feel like relapsing

I’m recovering from self harm and am 311 days done with it, but am struggling really bad with staying that way. I feel isolated from most of my friends which I know is not reality, but my heads just telling me those things. I’m so tempted and it’s building up for days now.

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Dont let thoughts get to you, dont feel isolated. Im isolating myself from bad behavior areas and its the best thing you can do, its tough I know.

You made it this far and thats great, youre farther than alot. Dont let the thoughts get to you, go out and find thigns to do, theres alot things this world has to offer. Be active, watch movies and write or read. It will help alot.

Dont feel trapped, youre out of a box now and youre only going to be trapped relapsing. You need to find things to do and get your mind off of it. Go watch a movie in a movie theater and enjoy some popcorn and soda. Make some food, eat. Relax and enjoy life and enjoy how much youve accomplished.

Those who struggle sober and struggle with demons will come out with high vibes and attitude in the end. Dont let a relapse destroy your count. It’s not worth it.

You can do anything you set your mind too, Re-think of the past and how shitty you had it. I know you dont want to go back to the starting point again. This is a journey, and youre destined to finish what youve started, a lifetime of sobriety. You dont need friends in this world to be happy, the human race has long lived without communication skills, and friendships / family in previous history. Our mind is set now a days to that we NEED friends. we dont need friends in this world to have a happy, healthy life. Especially if they are the ones that act as a bad influence to you and your sobriety.

you got this, stay strong and motivated. Dont let the past get back into your body. You dont want to re live a nightmare.


HUGS. 311 days is sooo amazing. Think about how great that is. Be proud of yourself. Celebrate yourself. I know your thoughts are telling you differently but you have to tell those thoughts to piss off. You are a warrior!!


Thank you so much.
I know the hatred after I’ve done it will be worse than the one I feel now
Trying to keep my head up

Thank you
I know its true even though it doesn’t feel like it right now


How are you?

The days are usually good in the middle, and in the mornings I’m just dragging my way around and in the evening it’s usually getting worse with questioning everything that I did, do, sayed an think. Right now Im ok

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Yea it’s really hard to not mope around. The feeling does pass though. Earlier today I was having anxiety. I had to stop breathe and remind myself of why I’m grateful for the life I have and the feeling passes. It gets easier. Just say no to the first drink and we wont have to ask ourselves what we did or said. Sobriety is amazing!