Feel sad and want to have a drink

Hey everyone. 9 days sober and it feels great, but im home alone and my addiction starting to tell me i should drink. I tried to do something but everythibg seems boring. Music is boring, tv is boring, reading is boring. So i Just laying down the sofa and doing absolutely nothing. My brain tells me it Will be so good if i have a drink. Music Will become better, colors Will be brighter and i Will be happier.

Im not gonna drink, i Just wanted to share my Feelings here with you. Thank you


Reach out to someone man! Get outta your head. Straight up just talking to another Person can make a difference.
Those thoughts and feelings are going to pass. You don’t ever have to act on those feelings if you don’t wanna.
“This too shall pass”


All days are hard, but right around this time frame, the alcohol is out of the body and the brain starts to work. The alcohol voice is right there to lend a helping hand, in case you are feeling weak. And you are right, it all does become better.

My counter is about to roll over to 9, as well. I have been here many times before. Maybe you can write, in addition to on here - or on here, all the reasons you won’t drink. In the morning, no one is ever sorry they DIDN’T drink.

Wish you well!


Thank you mate. Hope things Will get much easier soon!

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It’s tough when you get that restless feeling. Great that you’re sharing it here though. Keep strong.


Lots of times I drank to be happier but then I was just a depressed drunk. Following that was anxiety, hangovers, lack of motivation. You will get through this and you will eventually become happier without alcohol. Good luck man keep coming back here to post and read.


awesome job coming here and venting. also really cool to read you weren’t going to drink, just wanted to get those feelings out. sounds like you have a lot of willpower to stay sober. remember, a day at a time. :raised_hands:


Congratulations on nine days! The first few weeks were extremely tough on me, especially the weekends! Idle hands as they say. I’m at 97 days in and I promise you it gets easier…as time passes and you develop new habits that “I will never have fun again” feeling will pass. Keep going, your doing great :blush:


Thank you!
“i Will never have fun again” thats exactly what my brain tells me again and again


That’s just the addiction try to suck you back in. It will get easier though, I promise :blush: Sunday used to be my favorite day to drink…I would wake up from a Saturday hangover and drink the day away. I never look back and miss those very dark days. Today I woke up, had some coffee with my husband, went on a 3 mile run, watched my 2 year old niece for a few hours, had family over for dinner and dessert, and now winding down the evening with my husband and my animals. And in all honesty I couldn’t be happier :heart: It will take some time but life will show you all the beauty you’ve been missing because addiction made you blind to it. I’m rooting for you friend, your doing great by opening up and expressing your struggle


It’s great to reach out at moments like these! Staying in your head/alone makes it SOOO much easier to listen to that “drinking will make this fun” voice. That voice is hard to ignore sometimes, because truthfully it’s 1/2 right—drinking does make everything seem like a party for a bit. The voice is also a big liar though, because it’s not telling you that while it will make you happy right now, it will make you twice as sad and angry and lonely tomorrow. The happy you get from drinking is basically “on credit” and you’ll owe it back almost immediately when you start to beat yourself up for giving in to a craving.

When this happens to me, the best thing I’ve found so far is to let myself think through what will happen if I start drinking… almost like watching a movie, and think “where is this really going?” If I’m honest, I know I’ll have one, then two, then several and then the bottle will be getting kinda low and I’ll feel guilty and dumb and make myself finish it because why not… and then I’ll look for more to replace what I drank so no one knows. In the morning, I’ll waste the first half of the day vomiting and feeling awful, and telling myself what a piece of shit I am. It’s not a fun story, and I every time I let it play out fully in my mind like that it makes it just a little bit easier to tell that voice “sorry, I know exactly what that fun will cost me and the price is too high.”


Maybe try a meeting get phone numbers so you can lift the phone not the drink arrange to meet go for a coffee keep active

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I would rather go through life sober, believing I’m an alcoholic then go through life drunk, trying to convince myself that I’m not. Stay strong buddy


You are not alone and we all have done the samething I’m sure. I wish I could share how many days I’ve reset the calendar. I kept slipping up because I use to live by a liquor store now I leave across town. Use this as a tool and put it in your toolbox. If you need anything reach out and don’t feel your alone. This group has helped me out tremendously


That’s how it always starts for me.

Listen to some podcasts on sobriety, or YouTube meetings. Try not to focus on it too much.:blush:

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