
Coming up on 2 months sober from alcohol abuse but finding myself feeling really down and out. Im constantly tired from the moment i wake up to the moment i go to bed. Coffee and redbulls have lost their charm. Not sure what to do to get myself motivated. Tryimg to be a better person and more positive but im feeling like a debby downer


Did ya try a gym or hiking?

@Eli_Marie congratulation With almost 2 months sobrierty that is very good . Stay strong , try set your brain on positive things in your life. I know its hard to stay motivated but you got the power to choose how and what you want for your self . Put up an list of things you think u could do . Belive in your self , focus on you i bet it will be better . You are in charge .

Did you try getting involved at AA and meeting friends there? Im 26 years sober tomorrow…thats how I made it through in the beginning. Hang in there, no matter what. Its hard in the beginning but so worth it.

Feeling will definitely pass. Try some amino acids for mood. L-Tyrosine and 5-http. Both work wonders for me

Think about getting out of your head and out into the street. I have found walking/running a big help Listening to my music is great.

Best of Luck​:athletic_shoe::athletic_shoe::athletic_shoe::athletic_shoe:

I found supplements for both at GNC. Any sort of health or vitamin store should carry then