Feeling Helpless

Hi Im 13 days sober and ready to quit smoking weed and I feel its a huge step because it not only helps me cope daily but it helps me eat from chemo. Any ideas on what I can do to get my mind ready to put it down for good?

I personally never found using Marijuana a bad thing…i mean, unless it’s interfering with your life in a bad way.
I used to run a delivery service for a dispensary and a lot of my clients/patients were cancer patients and i was a huge advocate for its use as a medication for treatment.
Your newly sober from alcohol and that in itself is a major achievement…maybe just focus on that for right now until you are strong enough to tackle that…if that’s still what you want to do?


I wouldnt quit smoking but I got to save money. Im on disability and 40 bucks a week is a lot to save lol.

I’m disabled myself…
40 a week’s less then my cigarette habit lol.
Was just throwing it out there

No I appreciate the feedback. Im just really anxious without it

That passes in a few days…
Marijuana is not physically addictive…yeah you’ll get grumpy,crabby…feel anxious.
But with some sleep and some patience it will pass.
If you want to quit then i would suggest getting rid of all of your paraphernalia…pipes, bongs…etc…
Using edibles in small amounts helps too…but i can promise you quitting drinking is ten times harder.

I think understanding the effect that marijuana actually has on brain chemistry and hormones could really help. Give it a chance though,if you have never tried to stop before, you may find it very beneficial. However, I would suggest seeing a doctor if you could. Depression is a very common side effect that you want to be monitored to assist you in staying healthy .