Feeling horrible about this relapse

I relapsed pretty majorly with self harm… I just don’t know what to do any more… and I can’t really seek the medical attention I need…

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You need to find a good therapist and a self harm support group meeting to attend.

Why are you unable to medical help? If you need medical attention, you should get it. Are you afraid someone will find out? Because if your self-harm is getting worse, or more severe, they will end up finding out anyway.

I go to therapy… it don’t work

Because my parents get mad if I do it and they don’t know how bad it has gotten.

Is it possible that your parents’ “anger” can actually be fear? When I found out my daughter was self-harming, I didn’t react well. However, that was my initial reaction. It was anger, sadness, fear - in that order. As you know from self-harm, we don’t always react in an appropriate manner to external influences. That’s why addiction exists - A lot of us have talked about how we are driven and react because of fear.

I would want to know if my daughter was cutting again. I wouldn’t be happy, but I’d want her to get medical treatment if she needed it.

In the meantime, visit here and seek help from professionals. Call a crisis line and let them guide your choices.

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She has straight up told me that I should be able to stop and that it’s just a stupid phase and that I have no reason. She has also told my counselor that it makes her angry rather than scared or sad. Idk… there have been many times I have needed stitches but if I go to them I’ll have everything taken away as if i committed a crime.