Feeling like a wild, caged animal

Feeling extremely vulnerable and wanting to drink. But not really wanting to drink. I can’t get to a meeting right now. Trying to keep from going crazy and I keep getting tested. Why?! I’m trying to pull out all the suggestions on here to walk through this. It’s not easy. It’s mental obsession I’m dealing with and it sucks. Physical reaction to craving…Light headed and nauseated. I need your prayers because I’m not feeling strong right now.


You are strong and we all know that! Keep yourself busy and remind yourself why you started this journey in the first place. Meditate! :wink:

But seriously, stay on here. Keep reading and don’t use/drink! It’s not worth it and you’ll only regret it tomorrow.

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Here’s your gratitude list:
"Today, I’m grateful for…

*Sober friends from years ago that have welcomed me with open arms instead of pity or judgment.
*Going to bed early and waking early, no hangover and we’ll rested.
*Learning to forgive myself of the past, to be present, working towards a new and positive future.
*Being sober and giving myself a chance.
*Being in the right mind to help others."

You have so much to be grateful for, don’t give up!!!


Really bad day…been crying, feeling angry, went to a meeting and it didn’t help ease the feelings. Having to deal with this sh $# a moment at a time.

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Sorry you day wasn’t good. Stick in there and it will pass. Best wishes from Scotland

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Thank you @Ray_M_C_Laren, I’m 11 days sober today after 6 yrs of sobriety and I’m struggling. Trying to make it through…any advice old timer?

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Lift the phone before a drink. We have parties here in AA at. New year so we can be together just incase we get down. This is my 30 th sober but it’s only a ADAAT


I think I’m feeling angry and resentful that this higher power that supposedly takes care of me hasn’t completely removed the mental obsession and restored my sanity. I’m going to a meeting everyday (Sometimes 2-3 times a day), reading the big book, and working the steps. Why do I feel like I’m being tested and suffering today? I know I shouldn’t be whiney and ungrateful. My disease is telling me today, “what’s the point”? I’m hoping this is all major spiritual growth.
Anyway, thank you for listening to me rant. Happy sober New Year to you.


Oh no! Sorry friend! Let’s think of an acronym for prayer…

P- patience
R- resilience
A- abundance
Y- yielding
E- enthusiasm

Now think about how you can apply those things to yourself in this moment


Sending you lots of sober happy thoughts!!


@Melrm you got this. Think of the thoughts are just electrical impulses in your brain. Put them in their place. A bubble, on a train, squash them. Then remember YOU. You are worth more than an automatic thought. Don’t tell yourself you need it. 11 days proves you don’t. YOU GOT THIS. We are here. Keep posting, reading, posting.

I’m still here…went to another meeting…smoked a cigarette but did not drink or use. Still feeling horrible but still sober.



@Melrm Hang in there champ. You got this! Just stay with us. We are all in this together and you have the strength its just tough sometimes to call on it thats why we are here.

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So…I stayed sober. No words can express how bad ass all of you are. Your words pushed me through to the other side of this hell i was going through in my mind. I closed the door on yesterday (thank God) and have another chance today. I’ll be hitting extra meetings today and keeping busy. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you…for all of the amazing support.
And a hug to my lady friends @Elisabeth @Naturehippy @Oliverjava for making me smile through tears.
12 days sober today!


There are going to be good days and there are going to be the days you don’t know you’ll ever make it through…

I always write down the reasons why I want to stay sober and it truly helps me reflect.

I don’t want to be known as the girl that’s always blacked out anymore. I don’t want to embarrass myself. I want to remember things that are important.

You can do this.

One day, one step at a time.

We’re all in this together.


hugs to you! It was your words that encouraged me to step up the ‘sober’ definition and stop taking the easy way out. You all have truly changed, inspired, motivated, encouraged, and renewed me!

2017 is going to be amazing because I have all of you


Awesome commitment…and I’m simply in awe at the amazing support system that manifested through all of you :slight_smile:

If you are feeling unstable and you’re having these ups and downs, it’s time to look within and identify the key issues that can create this kind of turbulence. In doing this, you can free up a lot of mental realestate and truly begin to recover.

Alcohol was numbing the true issues, dig deep, and you will prosper. Happy NYE, we are proud of you!


Hi how are you? Take it a minute at a time… I struggle with same cravings. Push through them… You can do this. We can do this.

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I’m doing amazing today. I believe I was putting too much stress on myself by trying to do too much at one time, I was feeling my feelings, and I was working through resentments. I’m keeping it simple and just focusing on my sobriety.