Feeling Overwhelmed

What do you do when you’re feeling overwhelmed with simple tasks?

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I reduce my expectations for myself or for the day and treat every little thing as a victory.

Tonight? Laying on couch. Ate some leftovers. Filled and ran dishwasher. Stayed sober. VICTORY.


That is something I have been dealing with the most, and I am still searching for the answer to that myself.
I’m trying hot baths with Epsom salt and lavender oil.


I write down all of the tasks I’m thinking of, then set to doing them. I accept that I may not finish them all, but then they are on paper so I can pick up later if that ends up the case.

Plus, seeing them on paper usually helps me see more clearly which need attention first and which someone else may be able to help with.


Thank you. You’re right. I get myself worked up over housechores and it’s absolutely asinine. I know when I get this way it’s dangerous. I am getting better at realizing my home doesn’t have to be clean like a 5 star motel.


Wonderful insight. Thank you. A list would make me feel a lot better.

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When I get overwhelmed I get anxious. So I just take a few minutes to stop and slow my breathing down.

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Letting go of these sorts of house chores has been big for me. I just haven’t had the energy to either do them or fret about not doing them. When I realised that they weren’t very important, it was pretty freeing. I tend to only do things if I have the energy and feel like it, or if it becomes urgent. Everything else sits in a status level of “not important”, “do it if I feel like it”, “I’ll get to it when I get to it”.

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Me two. It’s a damn domino effect. Some days I don’t get overwhelmed, but tonight is a crazy mess of “shoulds” in my muttled brain. I need to stop “shoulding” on myself.


Yeah. Like @VSue I get anxious otherwise. Writing it down gets it out of my head and I feel better focusing on one task. And more comfortable walking away when appropriate knowing things won’t be forgotten.


It’s silly how we do that to ourselves. Thank you.


I’m a big list maker too, otherwise I forget. These days I’ll do what I can- when I can and every now then I’ll have the energy to do it all in less than an hour lol. I used to be OCD, until I had my second kid… cleaning up after three people for more than 3,285 days gets old… so yea it can all wait while I chill on the couch for a few hours.

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Best thing to do is cut list to 3 essential tasks, my 3 daily must do’s are walk the dog, make a packed lunch for work and the kitchen has to be clean before I go to bed! If I achieve those 3 things I am winning😀