Feeling raw in my first week

Hi everyone, im 6 days in and feeling like im on the verge of tears for most of it…im sleeping better and its nice not to be fuzzy either in a hungover way or a - i really need a drink way. But i thought id ask if anyone else struggled/struggling with the emotional side of things in the first couple of weeks. Thanks x


O yes! Day 18 here and I’m still going from 0 to 100 real quick! It takes some time for your brain to level out and also for us to learn how to handle our emotions with out drowning them in something.

@Katie I am on day 22 and have had it shocking all the way up to and including today. I had my first “good” day only on day 19 but slipped back to my emotional/physical mess. I cannot tell you for sure but i am thinking 20 of the 22 days i have bawled my eyes out at one stage or three during the day… and I am not a “cryer”. There is a really good article that i have read from 12keys if you search that along with some words like “12 keys what happens when you withdraw from alcohol” it has a fantastic timeline as well as an explaination on whats going on in the different stages. Most of us think it’s for our livers sake but the brain recalculating is a massive side of it also. The chemical imbalance (after 9+ years) in my case can take years to reset.
Stay strong and thinking/praying of/for you at this time.
Dan :cry::muscle::point_up_2::face_with_head_bandage::face_with_thermometer::hugs::heart_eyes::heartbeat::grin:

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I know this feeling… I did try and quit before and got to 100 days, then started again. This time around due to a lot of personal circumstances my drinking was a nightmare because I was doing it alone and blacking out. I’m already on day 2 but I’m just worried people are going to think it’s a fad and not support me

@tyler Thanks Tyler! I knew it was going to be a rire but didnt realise how much. I just hope each day gets a tiny bit easier :grinning:

@zeus thanks… will def look up the article. Theres so much information out there, its good to know what others find helpful

I understand completely I cry so much when I’m sober I want a drink just to stop crying so much. I lost my mom in May and I find it difficult to stay sober, I don’t crave to get drunk but to drink yes. One day at a time feel the emotions and get thru. Thank you for the information on the 12 step program.