Feeling weak af

I just got back from hanging out with the ex. We have had a lot of fun since breaking up. However, I still hold feelings ror her and she has told me she no longer feels that “thing” she once felt for me. I appreciate the honesty. However it doesn’t make it hurt any less… I am not going to relaspe because I know that won’t solve anything. I know I need to feel this, come to terms with it and move forward. It is just in this present moment I feel pretty weak. So instead of doing something I will regret I am here…


I remember the day not too long ago when I had to accept that my wife was walking out the door for good. It has not stopped hurting; especially if you really love the person. It was like a punch in the gut. I take one day at a time and have tried to put all of that out of my mind while I concentrate on me and getting better. I know this doesn’t take away the hurt, but know you are not alone in that regard.


Ugh, I’m so sorry. This stuff hurts, but it’s time for you to walk away. Hanging around won’t help either one of you.


Thanks man.
It helps to know that I am not alone because I presently feel in a hole.

You’re right. … You’re right…

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I already accepted my situation and moved on. I have to get me right before anything else. I was the cause so I cannot do any second guessing now.


I know she continues to be a good friend to you. Having said that, as long as you still have feelings for her, time together is going to keep you stuck. I know it isn’t what you want,but some distance is probably good for you both.


I feel that.
I caused all of this and I accept that as well. I guess the only move is to learn a lesson from this.

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Your feeling is totally understandable. The mind grieves for what could have been. But it doesn’t last forever. It might last a while, though.

You’ve always got yourself and by dealing with your feelings in a healthy way, you’re putting yourself first getting ready for what’s to come.

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Hey, what happened to the cool blue glasses pic?


I change it on the daily :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Good night y’all.

Massive manhug, stay strong, stay focused and try to move on.

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Hey Silas @Twowaymirror, I don’t have much too add here to what the wise folks have said, only to say I understand how you feel. This hurts like f**k and letting go is absolutely agony, but for your own peace of mind and wellbeing, as @anon19498634 and @GVLNative have said, you need to do this for you. It will get better over time.

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Havnt spoke to my ex in over 30 years . i just got on with life got a new girl in my life now married 25 years this july ,stay strong and move forward wish you well


Stop hanging out with her. Youre only torturing yourself by being around what you cant have


You can hang out with my ex if you want :rofl:

@Twowaymirror I totally get what you are going through right now. I was married for 17 years and one day he just up and left, and this was before any doc entered my life. It was hard in the beginning, but as the months went by it got WAY easier and it ended up being one of the best thing that could have happened to me. So keep the faith in knowing everything happens for a reason. I’m so sorry you are going through this…