Feels like longer

Rolling to 60 days today. As good as that is, I can’t help but think it feels like a lot longer. Particularly when I think of people asking me how long it’s been, I fear that the response of “60 days” or “2 months” seems minimal to most people and, therefore, they may discount my resolve. Outside of this group, I’m not sure how many would recognize or understand this as a significant accomplishment. I know I shouldn’t let that concern me but somehow it still does. In truth, the number of days isn’t as important to me as is my mindset. But again that’s something that many people wouldn’t necessarily understand either.

But anyway…despite all that, I feel pretty good. Confident, for the most part. I do have some potentially triggering events coming up that worry me a little. Trying not to get ahead of myself and focus on the more immediate future. ‘Trying’ being the operative word. :smirk:

So…here’s to keepin’ on. :v:


Huge congrats on 2 months!! That is a huge accomplishment. I also agree with you that someone who doesn’t have an addiction probably can’t fully understand how much work goes into sobriety even on a daily basis.

Keep up the hard work :love_you_gesture:


Congratulations on your 2 months. That is huge! Your right, our mindset is the most important thing. Let’s add up those days :blush:

Thank you. In a book I’m reading, the author was commenting on a conundrum of sobriety being “…how much effort it takes and how it takes no effort at all”. And I was struck by how strangely true that is.

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Thank you! :blush:

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Thanks! I feel like my mindset is stronger having finally admitted how weak I truly am. Isn’t it ironic? :smirk:

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You are everywhere :grin::grin:

I didnt meant it in a negative way… You are doing good👍

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60 days is incredibly amazing and seriously hard work, and most especially something to be VERY proud of!! It takes incredible fortitude and conviction to get there and YOU did it!! So happy for you!! :heart:

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Thanks so much! :blush: