Finally hit day 1

After being on this app for a week or so, I’ve finally made it 1 day and 6 hours sober. That’s the longest I’ve gone without in a long time.


In 4 hours or so I’ll have completed day two! My partner is drinking, 5 kids running around… would LOVE to just have a couple glasses of wine! Would LOVE to feel like he does right now. But I more than likely wouldn’t stop at two. Instead we baked cookies, Im half way through a short jog but losing focus, distracted, thinking maybe I could just have a few tonight and then start again tomorrow when he’s sober too. Aaagghhh!!! For the next few minutes I will stay on track! Finish this jog, maybe watch some netflix and then put in my headphones and play some meditation apps to put me to sleep! That’s the PLAN anyway… haha. Need to break the physical habit, the comfort of the toxic routine! Doing my best to keep busy tonight! Is it harder the first couple of days or later? Haha, I’m getting the impression it just all sucks! But for this moment… back on the treadmill I go! Hope you’re maintaining tonight… Sending positive thoughts @Reese :slight_smile:


I’m in the same boat most nights. My hubby drinks, I want a glass of wine after the kids are in bed. But instead I’m keeping busy making a blanket for my son and ignoring my husband when his beer is in hand. Like you, one glass leads to a bottle for me. But I know if I don’t have that one glass then I won’t have the bottle after. Congrats to both you and @Reese for making it. Almost to day 3 for me here.


Congratulations !!! Now that you have the first day complete you can now go for two in a row. You got this girl !!!


I have some good news. That is the HARDEST day you will have being sober. Gets a little bit easier with each day. Congrats


Haha, that IS good news! Yay :slight_smile: And now look, the more he’s drinking the more annoyed I’m getting, actually making this easier. Lol


How is it going today @Reese ?

I reset today… but that’s okay. I made it further than I’ve made it before. I’m gonna beat this.


Just keep trying @Reese and don’t let setbacks discourage you from starting fresh. If you fall down today pick yourself back up tomorrow!

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@Reese despite being a part of this forum almost 6 months and trying to get sober for almost a year, I also reset today. I’m on antabuse but still drank half a beer yesterday and one today.
So were kind of both stuck in the vicious first few day cycle. I’m retuning to work tomorow after 2 weeks off for “mental health reasons” so I’m anxious but also more determined than ever to kick this alcoholism and hopefully my recreational drug use as well. Good luck! Feel free to message me and keep posting your milestones!


My brother has just come from the US and he is inviting me for couple of drinks in the eve. I wanna say no… I don’t want that glass in my hand . instead wanna go for a long jog the next fresh morning … Hope I succeed