Finally ready

Hello 28 year old Hispanic male, I live in Texas originally from Chicago, I’M I have been drinking since I was 12 years old as well as using cocaine. My cocaine addiction went out of control in my teens and as I got older, I have not had cocaine in about 3 years now but now I have decided to give alcohol. I love to drive when intoxicated not to the point where I can’t drive but buzzed it is dangerous for me and others on the road as well as for my job. I have a municipal government job that if I’d get a dui I’d prolly be fired on the spot. I am a binge drinker I will start on a Friday afternoon until 1am then get up at 7am on Saturday and start drinking and drink all day. This past Friday was my supposedly last time drinking, went to a baseball game Saturday and managed to stay sober but boy it was hard.


Hi.glad to hear from you. Good job on your three years from coke. Really great. I don’t have experience with that,but binge drinking is right down my alley. Getting through the ball game is big,as that is a prime drinking place. I think you will find this a useful site to help you along. It is good to hear you are considering your work and the others at risk. Ask what you need,say what you need to,vent if needed. Don’t drink. Good day to you.

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Es bien duro decidir dejar te tomar, especialmente cuando tienes tanto tiempo con los mismo. Felicidades en pasar tu primer fin de semana sin tomar.

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Thank you it really did feel good to let out the little bit that I wrote!


You’re right, and I’m very good at talking myself down. That needs to change thanks for the kind words

Gracias tu también dejaste de tomar? De donde eres? Apenas tengo 4 días pero algo es algo

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Estoy tratando dejar de tomar y usar cocaina. Apenas tengo 3 años que comense de usar pero tengo más de 15 años tomando. Normalmente nomas tomaba un día a la semana. Pero este año comense tomar más y mi trabajo sufrió. Estoy tratando con muchas ganas dejar todo porque cuando tomo quero usar y todo va pa bajo así. 4 días es muy bien. Cada día es un milagro

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I did the driving thing too. Never drunk, but ALWAYS drinking while I was driving. So silly to look back now but yeah, I loved it. When I quit I had to make sure I always had something in the cup holder when I drove. Non alcoholic of course😉

I’m glad you are here pal. Keep posting. Keep fighting


Eso sí, yo tengo 3 añosnsin usar cocaína antes cada que tomaba tenía que comprar pero me deje de juntar con malas compañías y me aleje sólo así deje de hacerlo. Pero pues ahora también empecé a tomar de más. Yo sólo tomo viernes y,sábados pero ya es tiempo también tengo como 15 años tomando. Tu cuántos años tienes

Yes sir it was like it was fun driving and drinking listening to some cool jams but last time I did it i,was like what the hell am I doing? I can get pulled over even for a tail light I don’t know it’s out and that’s it. Thank you for the words! It’s only been 4 days but I knkw I have the will to do this, picked up a few things in going to do like work out and going hiking get my mind off the usual Friday and Saturday routine. It’s just always easier to pick up a beer before goimg home than going to the gym lol but I’ll make it work