Finding the energy

2 weeks sober. I took low dose Valium(2mg) on and off for 2 months for insomnia( Rx was for 30. I still have 3 pills left) . It did nothing for my insomnia. So I went back to what I knew best. Vodka! After 4 years sober, I began to binge on my days off. Did a 4 day Librium taper for withdrawals. My insomnia is getting the best of me. I have no energy for anything. On the days I get decent rest, I can conquer the world. I’m operating on zero to little sleep now and and my body is saying, “Get up and move!” but my mind is saying, "You need sleep"
I don’t remember it being this hard the first time around and I was in a drug induced stupor for 7 days.

From AA members I talk to who have relapse, they always say that each time they start back up again that the drinking is worse and it’s harder to quit each time.

Personally, (I’m no doctor) I would think there are better medications out there for insomnia. I would be direct and forceful with your doctor to look for other alternatives.

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I have. My Dr. prescribed me 100mg trazodone. Didn’t work. Pharmacist said I could drink some sleepy tea. Worked a couple of days. Last 2 days nothing has worked

Have you tried melatonin? Works pretty well for me.

I was told to take it occasionally though as you can build a tolerance.

You name it, I’ve tried it.

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I’m 93 days in,I have the same trouble. Never really slept that great but this made it a lot worse.Drs put me on trazadone, works well for most people. I have to make sure I try to get some exercise in during the day. They also had me on cyclobenzapr. That didn’t help that much,both are non habit forming that was a biggy with me,just getting clean from the oxi’s. Hang in there. People on here have lots of good ideas to learn from & try!:sleeping: night everyone