Hello all, i’m new to this chat. Am on my first day clean from a year long codeine addiction where I was taking up to 24, 30/500mg co codamol pills a day. I found that i used pills to help me deal with stress and bad feelings as I hate discussing my issues with people. I’ve decided to stop but i’m feeling really worried about relapsing as i’m already experiencing some withdrawal symptoms but I am trying to stay positive. Do you have Any advice on how i can keep busy to help me ignore the withdrawal? Thank you
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Thank you! its just so hard when i feel so crappy, but I will try to keep busy, The last thing I want is to give in and use again.
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Welcome @Melissa91 stay positive, Aa group and find a sponsor was my first thing after rehab . It has been a long hard battle for me diving into the steps .IT was hard but well Worth it . Today im a happy person Who enjoys my sobrierty. But i always will know i cant drink or use anything again . Im fine by that. Find your strenght, and belive in your self. As Long as you are willing anything is possible. Love your self
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Congratulations. It’s my third day sober afer my 20 years addiction to codeine. It’s being hard, but I feel soooo relieved and motivated, it’s worth it.